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Rodolphe Durand
Rodolphe Durand
Management sciences
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Management strategique des ressources et performance des firmes. Une etude des entreprises manufacturieres francaises (1993-1996)
Directed Thesis:
Explaining the Variability of Audiences’ Valuations : An Approach Based on Market Categories and Natural Language Processing
Market categories, expertise, and evaluation of organizations
When is ambiguity favorable? An experimental and theoretical investigation of multiple categorization process in markets.
Heterogeneous implementation of CSR in an MNE : the role of subsidiaries’ institutional contexts and behaviors
Law and (Re)Order : Impact of Category-Stretching Strategies on Firms' Performance and Evaluation. The Case of the Corporate Legal Services Market (2000-2010)
From opposition to support : The influence of social movement organizations on firm strategy
Social Evaluations in a Multiple-Audience Context : The Impact of a Social Misconduct on People's Complaints, Share Price and Media Evaluation
The strategic value of sustainability and its disclosure : Three essays on the Impact of Sustainability Performance, Disclosure & Reputation on Firms’ Financial Performance
Logic Duality, Conformity, and Survival in the French Film Industry, 1987-2008
Approche institutionnelle de l'influence et de la sensibilité des organisations : Le cas de l'adoption des pratiques visant à réduire les infections nosocomiales dans les établissements de soins français
Social perceptions and the structuration of markets : Three essays on the impacts of conforming and framing strategies on organizational status, reputation and legitimacy
Parier sur quels leviers de valeur ? : passage controversé de la génération à l'appropriation de rente au sein des entreprises biotechnologiques en France
L'impact des facteurs organisationnels sur l'image institutionnelle des organisations : le cas des agences de design en France
Les variables structurelles dans la formation des stratégies de convergence dans les télécommunication : une recherche action chez France Telecom