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Laurent Najman
Laurent Najman
Applied sciences
Computer sciences
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Morphologie mathématique : de la segmentation d'images à l'analyse multivoque
Directed Thesis:
A study of hierarchical watersheds on graphs with applications to image segmentation
Vers la simulation de perfusion du myocarde à partir d'image tomographique scanner
Image processing for semantic analysis of the coronary interventions in cardiology
Une étude du bien-composé en dimension n.
Motion analysis for Medical and Bio-medical applications
Towards an automated framework for coronary lesions detection and quantification in cardiac CT angiography
Towards real-time image understanding with convolutional networks
Tree-based shape spaces : definition and applications in image processing and computer vision
Segmentation of heterogeneous document images : an approach based on machine learning, connected components analysis, and texture analysis
A study of some morphological operators in simplicial complex spaces
On continuous maximum flow image segmentation algorithm
Image processing algorithms for the visualization of interventional devices in X-ray fluoroscopy
Towards a software architecture for generic image processing
Graph-based variational optimization and applications in computer vision
Caractérisation multispectrale imageante du champ de lumière de sources et de matériaux pour la photosimulation
Contrast enhancement in digital imaging using histogram equalization
Lignes de partage des eaux discrètes : théorie et application à la segmentation d'images cardiaques