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Laurent Gicquel
Laurent Gicquel
Fluid mechanics
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Directed Thesis:
Combustor-turbine interactions : Hot spot migration and thermal environment prediction for a better understanding and design of helicopter engines
Stability and control of unsteady phenomena in rotor/stator cavities using Large Eddy Simulation
Prédiction de la génération des pertes des écoulements compressibles anisothermes appliquée aux distributeurs hautes pressions de turbine avec les simulations aux grandes échelles
Multiphysics coupled simulations of gas turbines
Flow field and heat transfer in a rotating rib-roughened cooling passage
Investigation of unsteady phenomena in rotor/stator cavities using Large Eddy Simulation
Simulation aux grandes échelles des instabilités de combustion transverses des flammes parfaitement prémélangées et swirlées diphasiques
Unsteady multi-component simulations dedicated to the impact of the combustion chamber on the turbine of aeronautical gas turbines
Coupled Large Eddy Simulations of combustion chamber-turbine interactions
Conjugate heat transfer coupling relying on large eddy simulation with complex geometries in massively parallel environments
LES of two-phase reacting flows : stationary and transient operating conditions
Mechanisms affecting the dynamic response of swirled flames in gas turbines
Application of the compressible and low-mach number approaches to large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows in aero-engines
Simulation aux Grandes Echelles d'un statoréacteur