
Les enseignants d’arts martiaux, de la vocation à la profession : construction des trajectoires sociales et modes d’engagement dans le champ des pratiques martiales

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 2006



Toulouse 3



Abstract EN:

For more than twenty years, the sector of socio-cultural and sporting animation is in path of professionalization. However, this branch of activity stays currently characterized by the diversity of the professional statutes of the animators and the heterogeneity of their relations to the activities of animation, education and teaching. This thesis proposes to study the case of the “martial arts teachers”. Based on interviews and observations sets with more than fifty teachers of four Japanese martial arts: judo, karate, aikido and kendo, the purpose of this work is to understand the multiple forms of commitment in martial arts teaching, to observe the overlap between this activity and various spheres of existence, and finally to account about mechanisms of construction of social trajectories, which are structured around an activity lived as a “passion”.

Abstract FR:

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