
Ion diffusion mechanisms derived from atomic simulations in fast ion conductors

Defense date:

Nov. 30, 2020





Abstract EN:

The development of new types of ion conductors with high conductivity may have a significant impact on the emergence a new generation of electrochemical devices. This is particularly true for hydrogen technologies, which are expected to play a major role in our society in the near future. The understanding of ionic conductors has largely beneficiated from progress in both theory and experiments in the last years. Theoretical simulation calculation can, for instance, reasonably predict the diffusion path of moving ions in the material, evaluate diffusion coefficient, and potential anisotropy of diffusion. Therefore, simulations can guide materials developers efficiently to identify diffusion bottlenecks and design new formulations. Within this context, the main purpose of this thesis is to study the anion diffusion mechanism of various materials by using molecular dynamics simulation and first-principles calculations. Our objective is also to propose original tools for extracting all subtleties of simulations to provide a deeper understanding of the atomic-scale mechanisms. The research objects at the center of this thesis are a variety of ion conductors, among which one, NdBaInO4, can be applied to Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. We also focus on a new family of hydride ion conductors, namely the LaHO family and the LaH3-2xOx family. In this last case, the potential application is still to be explored more deeply. Concerning methodological developments, we proposed two classification methods for processing molecular dynamics ion trajectories, namely the convex hull classification method and a DBSCAN machine learning algorithm, which can associate the trajectory of each ion efficiently to the crystallographic sites. Furthermore, other relevant information is deduced from this analysis, such as the diffusion paths, the occupancy rates of all sites, the jumps rates, and the residence time analysis. These two methods are simple and effective and can be applied to all ion conductors. After a general introduction on the study of diffusion mechanisms, we present two chapters dealing with the influence of aliovalent doping in NdBaInO4. In chapter 2, we study Nd1-xAExBaInO4-x/2 (AE = Ca, Sr, Ba) and we determine precisely the oxygen vacancy diffusion mechanism. In chapter 3, we suggest that the oxygen diffusion in donor-doped NdBaIn1-xMxO4+x/2 (M=Ti, Zr) is based on an interstitialcy diffusion mechanism. In chapter 4, firstly, we calculated the crystal structures and the elastic tensors of the six materials α-LaHO, β-LaHO, γ-LaHO, δ-LaHO,and LaH3 through first-principle calculations. Secondly, we created a new force field for the La-H-O system by fitting DFT information. The new-born force fields were further adopted to explore the diffusion mechanism of the two most stable forms in the LaHO family (α-LaHO, β-LaHO). The results show that the force field provides important information about diffusion pathways in both materials. This force field potentially provides a powerful research tool for lanthanide oxyhydrides. In chapter 5, we studied the LaH3-2xOx family based on the interatomic potentials developed during chapter 4. We prove that the incorporation of oxygen ions strongly affects the hydride ion diffusion mechanism, making it highly anisotropic. Finally, chapter 6 summarizes the most relevant conclusions derived in this work.

Abstract FR:

L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'étudier le mécanisme de diffusion anionique dans divers matériaux en utilisant la simulation par dynamique moléculaire et les calculs ab initio.nous présentons deux chapitres traitant de l'influence du dopage aliovalent dans la phase NdBaInO4. Dans le chapitre 2, nous étudions les composés Nd1-xAExBaInO4-x/2 (AE = Ca, Sr, Ba) et nous déterminons précisément le mécanisme de diffusion de la lacune d’oxygène. Dans le chapitre 3, nous suggérons que la diffusion de l'oxygène dans les composés NdBaIn1-xMxO4+x/2 (M=Ti, Zr) dits « dopé donneur » est basée sur un mécanisme de diffusion interstitielle. Dans le chapitre 4, nous avons tout d'abord calculé les structures cristallines et les tenseurs élastiques des six matériaux α-LaHO, β-LaHO, γ-LaHO, δ-LaHO, La2O3 et LaH3 par des calculs de premier principe.Ensuite, nous avons créé un nouveau champ deforce pour le système La-H-O en ajustant les informations issues des calculs DFT. Les nouveaux champs de force créés ont été adoptés pour explorer le mécanisme de diffusion des deux formes les plus stables de LaHO (α-LaHO, β-LaHO). Les résultats de dynamique moléculaire fournissent des informations importantes sur les chemins et mécanismes de diffusion dans ces deux matériaux. Par ailleurs, le champ de force developpé fournit potentiellement un outil de recherche puissant pour d’autres oxyhydrures de lanthanides. Au chapitre 5, nous avons étudié la famille LaH3-2xOx en nous basant sur les potentiels interatomiques développés au chapitre 4. Nous prouvons que l'incorporation d'ions oxygène affecte fortement le mécanisme de diffusion des ions hydrures, le rendant hautement anisotrope. Enfin, le chapitre 6 résume les conclusions les plus pertinentes tirées de ce travail.