
Tiers inclus-Tiers exclu : sociologie du rapport au tiers dans les récits théoriques et filmique sur l'amour

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Bordeaux 3




Abstract EN:

Within the context of a sociology of knowledge, the thesis undertakes an anthropological reading of ideologies, idealised conceptions and social models contained within theoretical discourse and social representations of love, taken from stories. It aims to show how the structure of love and sexual identity is created using socio-emotional models. The thesis locates the mechanisms of exclusion of the third party within the ideals and practices of love. The "ideal-types" of emotional relationship are constructed by setting them within their historical context and by analysing their social cinematographic representations. The research is interested in demonstrating attempts to bypass that which is understood to be the norm of conjugality and in the sociological developments which have taken place, notably, in the sphere of emotional relationships. It is, more widely, the transversal problem of the distorted relationship within the couple, brought about by a third party which is explored by discussing the dialectic within the couple and within the group as the basis of social links. Its intention is to show that across sometimes marginalised relationships, paradigmatic questions on social links within those relationships are posed key expressions emotion, love, anthropology, cinema, erotism, film, ideology, idealised conception, sexuality, third party.

Abstract FR:

Dans le cadre d'une sociologie de la connaissance, la these entreprend une lecture anthropologique des ideologies, des imaginaires et des modeles sociaux contenus dans les discours theoriques et les representations sociales de l'amour, apprehendes comme autant de recits. Elle vise a montrer comment la constitution de l'identite amoureuse et sexuelle est produite a partir de modeles socio-affectifs. La these repere les mecanismes d'exclusion du tiers dans les ideaux et les pratiques amoureuses. Des idealtypes de relations affectives sont construits en mettant a jour leurs filiations historiques et en analysant leurs representations sociales cinematographiques. La recherche s'interesse aux tentatives de depassement de la conjugalite, aux evolutions sociologiques survenues dans la sphere des relations affectives notamment. C'est, plus globalement, la problematique transversale du rapport au tiers comme alterite du couple qui est exploree, en discutant de la dialectique du couple et du groupe comme fondement du lien social. Il s'agit de montrer qu'au travers de relations parfois marginales, des questions paradigmatiques sur le lien social sont posees.