Exposcopie ou sensibilisation à l'information scientifique, technique et industrielle par l'exposition
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
There is a great difference between, on one hand, speeches about the necessity to develop a scientific, technical and industrial information (sti) for as many people as possible, and, on the other hand, the products realized by persons in charge of sti informations. I think these persons are not interested in people who don't like such informations. That's why we tried to find the best way to develop the scientific technical and industrial information movement. This work was bound to create at last the most perfect exhibition of this sort. First, we described everything that can prevent people from paying attention or understanding and exhibition, and we explained how advertising and psychology can help it to be very attractive. Then, we carried out many experiments with exhibitions. We were looking for the best way to make our exhibitions well known and crowded, and we realized a catalogue for the promotion of a great exhibition about research. At last, we organized 3 training courses for people who would lead the exhibition in view to explain its scientific meaning to the visitors. We proved that such an activity could'nt become a new professional activity but that it could help students to find a job. The leaders seemed to be better in this work when they already were scientific professionals who had received a formation to communication. To conclude, the sti information must be an as high quality product as other popular distractions like tv, cinema or concerts, to become a real succes.
Abstract FR:
On constate l'existence d'un decalage entre les discours qui pronent la necessite de developper une politique d'acculturation a l'information scientifique, technique et industrielle (isti) et la reponse des acteurs de la culture sti dont les produits delaissent tous ceux qui ne privilegient pas l'isti comme activite de loisirs. Ce paradoxe nous amene a proposer une autre voie du developpement de la culture sti par l'exposition. Dans une premiere partie, nous tentons de replacer objectivement le media exposition dans un environnement informationnel pratiquement sature et dans ses rapports aux publics. Nous rappelons les difficultes que doit surmonter l'isti pour etre percue et assimilee par ceux qu'elle vise. Nous montrons en quoi la psychologie experimentale et les techniques de communication publicitaire peuvent lui venir en aide. La seconde partie de notre etude fait une large place a l'experimentation. On definit le genre exposition a travers ses limites et on presente nos experiences de realisations de plusieurs expositions originales. On etudie aussi diverses techniques de promotion des expositions sti et realisons le catalogue d'une exposition sur la recherche. Nous examinons, pour terminer, la question de l'animation sti. Nous montrons qu'elle ne saurait creer une nouvelle profession, mais qu'une formation a la communication scientifique peut donner un atout supplementaire a beaucoup de diplomes a la recherche d'un premier emploi. Une exposition sti n'atteint efficacement sa cible que si elle va au devant de celle-ci et que si elle recourt a tous les moyens promotionnels qui lui permettent de supporter la concurrence des autre