
Le livre en République populaire du Congo

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Bordeaux 3




Abstract EN:

Based on the theory of the bibliogical model, this study aims at interpreting the book situation in the people's republic of congo. The bibliogical model, i. E. The organization of books in each country or group of countries, is based on the book-society relationship. It is impossible to understand the life of books in a country if this model concept is not being refered to. Each model, in the free market, socialist or third world countries, has its criteria, mainly linked to the political system, but also to the history of the country (colonization for instance). This was the case for congo, the study of whose society was necessary, as the history of books in the country cannot be dissociated from the european penetration. Thus, starting from the colonial, independence and post-colonial models, we were able to show a vacuum : books were not seen as a must in the development of the country. The colonial book policy consisted in keeping at its lowest possible level any potential development of local publicating or distributing. Since independence in 1960, praise-worthy efforts are to be noted in the field of education, but they were linked mainly to a growth of school attendance.

Abstract FR:

Fondee sur la theorie du modele bibliologique, cette etude se propose d'interpreter la situation du livre en republique populaire du congo. Le modele bibliologique ou l'organisation du livre dans chaque pays ou groupe de pays se fonde sur la relation livre-societe. On ne peut reellement comprendre la vie du livre dans un pays si on ne se refere pas a cette notion de modele. Chaque modele, "liberal", "socialiste" ou du "tiers-monde" a sa specificite liee surtout au systeme politique, mais aussi a l'histoire du pays (colonisation par exemple). C'est le cas du congo dont l'etude de la societe etait necessaire etant entendu que l'histoire du livre dans ce pays est inseparable de la penetration europeenne. Ainsi, a partir des modeles colonial, d'independance et neocolonial, nous avons pu montrer l'absence d'une prise en compte du livre comme element indispensable au coeur du developpement du pays. La politique coloniale, en ce qui concerne le livre, consistait a restreindre au maximum un eventuel developpement de l'edition et de la distribution locales. Depuis l'independance en 1960, des efforts louables sont a noter dans le domaine de l'education mais leurs fruits portent surtout sur l'accroissement des effectifs scolaires.