
La communication de l'information scientifique et technique en Afrique : des limites de la réplication du modèle occidental comme facteur de développement

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Bordeaux 3




Abstract EN:

Technology, communication and information are fudamentals in the functionning of societies. In western countries, technology, science and their final comination have attained very elaborated and efficient developments. Both technology and science relied on specialized communication and information systems (particularly documentary systems) whch in turn benefited from the scientific and technical improvements they contributed in. This gave the european countries the means of a very important economic growth 1and of a general comination over the other regions in the world. Colonization was one of the ways this domination was exerted, and it now assumes the general shape of economic and cultural globalization. During colonization, it was agreed that administration, economic production, research and documentary systems should be implemented in africa more or less under the general shape they had taken in europe. These practives did not give real consideration to the different social, cultural, ideological, economical and communicational previous practices(including languages, types of know-how and know-why communication systemes, orality, etc) this tentative duplication has been a global failure. It cannot be a surprise, since real use, creation and synthesis of technical and scientific information, as a sociological and psychological phenomenon can only take place in accordance with the genune cultural and communicational functionning of societies, as happened in europe. Un

Abstract FR:

La technique, la communication et l'information structurent le fonctionnement des societes. En occident, le developpement economique et social s'est appuye sur une synergie culturelle globale integrant une forte composante technique, scientifique, ainsi qu'une amelioration constante des moyens de communication et d'information. La colonisation de vastes regions du globe, dont l'afrique, a traduit l'augmentation de pouvoir qui est resulte. L'action colonisatrice sur le continent s'est notamment traduite par l'implantation d'insdtruments d'organisation et de cxommunication similaires a ceux qui s'etaienet developpes en europe, et qui etaient senses entrainele meme type de developpement. L'echec de cette demarche, qui n'a tenu compte ni des rapports de force generes par l'usage des techniques (et en particulier celles qui s'appliquent a la communication et a l'information), ni des contraintes psycho-socia les specifiques a ce domaine laisse mal augurer du role de la science, de la technique et des systemes d'information appliques aux techno-sciences dans les developpement.