
Mythes et structures chez Tennessee Williams. . . Et Dieu dans tout çà ?. .

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Bordeaux 3




Abstract EN:

In tennesse williams, the idea of god is located at a subconscious level. In an inner fight, williams is primarily trying to get rid of this very christian torment, the original sin and of its fall: through that, his works is the warrant of a discourse which bears an ideology specific to the american society: puritanism of which williams reproduces a whole ancestral archetype, which not only echoes in his characters, his themes but also in his favorite myths. Through that intrusion of god in a works dedicated to humanity failure, williams is acording to us among the greatest contemporary tragedy-writters. This statement originates its sense not only in a deep study of his works themes but also in the up dating of the stucture of tennessee williams stories which coresponde in many ways to the story line of the greek tragedy. Eventualy, by studying more particularly the tennesse williams' inner structure, we could find evidence of myths that puritanism sometimes infitred by and then, and at other times was openly granted to williams works. Among those, we have privileged the study of them: water and fire to analyse the most perceptible influence of puritanism in the deep intimaty of their reflexion.

Abstract FR:

Chez tennesse williams, l'idee de dieu se situe a un niveau inconscient. Dans une lutte interieure, williams cherche d'abord a se delivrer de ce supplice tres chretien du peche originel et de sa chute. En cela, son oeuvre est garante d'un discours qui supporte une ideologie propre a la societe americaine: le puritanisme dont williams reproduit tout un archetype ancestral qui trouve echo dans ses personnages, ses themes, mais aussi, ses mythes de predilection. Par cette incursion de dieu dans une oeuvre vouee a l'echec de l'humanite, tennessee williams s'inscrit a notre sens parmi les plus grands auteurs contemporains de tragedie. Cette affirmation prend non seulement son sens dans une etude approfondie des themes de son oeuvre mais aussi dans la mise a jour de la structure des recits de tennesse williams qui s'apparente sur de nombreux points a celle de la tragedie grecque. Enfin, en etudiant plus particulierement la structure interne de l'oeuvre de tennesse williams, nous avons pu metttre en evidence des mythes que le puritanisme a, tantot subrepticement infitres ca et la, tantot ouvertement legues a l'oeuvre de williams. Parmi ceux ci, nous avons privilegie l'etude de deux d'entre eux: l'eau et le feu pour rechercher dans l'intimite profonde de leur reflexion, l'influence la plus perceptible du puritanisme.