
La mise en correspondance automatique de banques de données bibliographiques scientifiques et techniques à l'aide de la Classification Internationale des Brevets : contribution au rapprochement de la science et de la technologie

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Aix-Marseille 3



Abstract EN:

Scientific information and technical information are at the heart of technological success, which brings economic advantage. Technical innovation needs a more active technological awareness than a neutral observation. It is no more sufficient to watch and to analyse the relationship between science and technique: firms and laboratories have to search it to obtain closer links between them. On one hand, multiple paths between scientific databases attempt to establish the most exact concordances. This is incompatible with such dialog. On the other hand, all patent documents are classified with codes of the International Patent Classification (IPC). This classification can offer the opportunity to use a common language for heterogeneous information. In fact, the IPC does not allow a direct link with other indexing languages because of its hierarchical structure and its complexity. However, its keywords index (catchwords) brings a useful compatibility with these documentary tools. In a first stage, a correspondence system has been built using these catchwords. Then scientific bibliographic references have been indexed with IPC codes. This tool brings to end-users new relations between fundamental literature and patent documents. However, the analysis of results shows that automatic established paths never are bi-univocal because they attempt to get a wilder search area and not to close a set of response. In accordance with a wilder perspective than the documentary viewpoint, this new relation could bring strategic elements to technological awareness.

Abstract FR:

Dans un contexte où la performance technologique est synonyme de compétitivité économique, la recherche d'innovations technologiques exige une veille technologique active. Il ne suffit plus d'observer d'éventuelles relations entre science et technique : il s'agit de les provoquer. La mise en relation de l'information scientifique et de l'information technique ouvre une voie pour les rapprocher. Quel langage commun utiliser ? Du côté de l'information scientifique, les passerelles reliant les banques de données entre elles visent des concordances exactes. Mais un tel postulat s'oppose au besoin de retranscription nécessaire entre science et technologie.