La pratique de la fonction communication dans l'entreprise marocaine : modes de management, stratégies de communication et limites
Bordeaux 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The company in morocco appers among the organizations which were subject to the influences of the evolution of the total environment of the moroccan society by emergence, in end of last century? new media and socio-economic stakes whose effects on the entrepreneurial organization is the constant tendency to set up structures taking care of the communication. The moroccan company, have regard with the characteristics of its management, defines modes of management in which practice of the communication revert of the particular significations. With part of a double investigation contining autoadministered questionnaires which related to a sample of the companies in in morocco (large private and public companies of the multinationals and small and medium-sized undertakings) and the agencies of communication, we carried out a comparative approch of the methods of management of the function communication. . Analysis, relating to three contexts (structural context (logics of structuring), individual context (analyses characteristics of the communication director's) and strategic context (existence and formation of the strategy of communication), allowed to define yhe ambivalence of strategic management and intuitive management in the moroccan company according to the contexts of management, size and statuate of the company. The rational strategic management of the communication is clean with the subsidiary companies whereas intuitive management characterizes the companies of small size
Abstract FR:
L'entreprise au maroc figure parmi les organisations qui ont subi les influences de l'evolution de l'environnement global de la societe marocaine par l'emergence, en fin du siecle dernier, de nouveaux enjeux mediatiques et socioeconomiques dont les repercussions sur l'organisation entrepreunariale est la tendance constante a mettre en place des structures se chargeant de la communication ;l'entreprise marocaine, eu egard a ses particularites de developpement et aux caracteristiques culturelles et sociales de son management, definit des modes de gestion dans lesquels la pratique de la communication revët des significations particulieres. A partir d'une double enquëte a base de questionnaires autoadministres qui a concerne un echantillon des entreprises au maroc (grandes entreprises privees et publiques, filiales des multinationales et, petites et moyennes entreprises) et les agences de communication, nous avons mene une approche comparative des modalites du management de la fonction communication. L'analyse, portant sur trois contextes (le contexte structurel (logiques de structuration), le contexte individuel (analyse des caracteristiques des dircoms) et le contexte strategique (existence et formation de la strategie de communication), a permis de definir l'ambivalence du management strategique et intuitif dans l'entreprise marocaine en fonction des contextes de management, de la taille et du statut de l'entreprise. La gestion strategique rationnelle de la communication est propre aux filiales des multinationales et aux grandes entreprises marocaines alors que la gestion intuitive caracterise les entreprises de petite taille.