
La radio rurale en afrique noire, les strategies de communication : le cas du projet de radio rurale congolaise (1978-1985)

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989





Abstract EN:

This research which is based on the strategies of communication was carried out on the congolese rural radio. It is largely drawn from an observatory field work, viz : on the spot observations and group discussions, carried out the central administrative project of brazzaville as well as the cooperative present in two of the three regions concerned by the project. The main aim of this research is to examine critically the official speech on the role of this rural radio. According to the official speech, the congolese rural radio is a communauty broadcasting system which favours the free access and the participation of the natives with the media. However, this study, after having analysed the different strategies of communication developed by the congolese rural radio, in the course of two periods which marked his existence, namely those of before and after evaluation, brought to light the fact that, contrary to the official speech the congolese rural radio continues to be a highly institutionalized, centralized and hierarchical organ of communication which transmits the dominant values, reproduces in his for form and his organisation the model of the traditionals media. In this way, the rural radio accentuates natives'passivity face their environment.

Abstract FR:

Cette etude sur les strategies de communication de la radio rurale, dont les enquetes ont ete menees tant a la centrale du projet a brazzaville que dans le groupement precooperatif de deux de trois regions concernees par le projet, a eu pour objectif de tester le discours officiel sur le role de cette radio rurale. Selon le discours officiel, la radio rurale congolaise est un media communautaire qui favorise le libre acces et la participation des paysans. Cependant, cette etude, apres avoir analyse les differentes strategies de communication developpees par la radio rurale congolaise au cours de deux periodes qui ont marque sont existence, a savoir celle de l'avant et celle de la post-evaluation, a lis en lumiere le fait que, contrairement au discours officiel, la radio rurale congolaise demeure encore un systeme de communication institutionnel, centralise et hierarchique qui transmet les valeurs dominantes et reproduit dans sa forme et son organisation le modele des medias traditionnels. Dans cette perspective, la radio rurale congolaise, au lieu d'aider les paysans comme initialement prevu a maitriser les problemes de leur environnement, contribue a accentuer la passivite de ces paysans face a cet environnement.