
Communication et societe en transition. Les developpements de la publicite dans la chine contemporaine ( 1978-1993 )

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994




Abstract EN:

Since 1979, the beginning of deng xiaoping's reforms has generated the rehabilitation of advertising. The development of the advertising industry is so important that the phenomena has reached society on all levels : the advertisers discovering the marketing process, the consumers becoming fond of commercials and the advertising agencies becoming widely recognised as world advertising networks. Chinese television suffers the trade effects and is confronted with the irregular system of the telecommunication networks, and (neo) television programmes appear on national channels aswells as on the commercial channels wich started broadcasting in 1992. So, the advertising discourses - about commercials - became one vehicle of the "dengist" thought ideological discourses. Controled in an institutionnel framework, the advertising development is characterized by the same particularities as the "chinese transition", and must be considered as a general problematic of the communication's emergence. Indicative of the reorganization of the social structure, the communicationnal phenomena appears more particularly throught the maintenance of the new relations between state, media and citizens-viewers, became consumers-targets. So, the thesis asks the question of the role of crisis communication emergencing in china, governing the "dengist" reforms success.

Abstract FR:

Des 1979, l'avenement des reformes pronees par le gouvernement de deng xiaoping a permis la rehabilitation de la publicite. Depuis, l'essor de l'industrie publicitaire est telle que le phenomene publicitaire a atteint tous les niveaux de la societe : les annonceurs decouvrent le marketing, les consommateurs deviennent publiphiles et les agences de publicite gagnent en legitimite et deviennent largement influencees par les reseaux publicitaires mondiaux. La television chinoise subit les effets de sa marchandisation et se trouve confrontee au processus de dereglementation qui caracterise peu a peu les reseaux de (tele)communication, et la programmation (neo)televisuelle apparait que ce soit sur la chaine nationale ou sur les chaines commerciales en apparition depuis 1992. Les discours publicitaires - des spots televisuelsrepresentent alors un des vecteurs des discours ideologiques de la pensee "dengiste". Maitrise dans un cadre institutionnel, le developpement du processus publicitaire chinois revet des memes caracteristiques que la "transition chinoise", et il doit etre considere dans une problematique generale de la communication en plein emergence en chine. Significatifs de la reorganisation de la formation sociale, les phenomenes communicationnels apparaissent alors a travers le maintien dans les nouvelles relations entre l'etat, les medias et les citoyenstelespectateurs devenus consommateurs-destinataires. La these pose la question du role confere a une communication de crise en emergence en chine, confortant largement la reussite des reformes dengistes.