
L'Art de la conversation

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1993



Paris, EHESS




Abstract EN:

The art of conversation deals with the opposition between the notions of communication and conversation. Communication meaning the formal and regular interactions, and conversation defining a critical ground where the individual would find its free and full utterance. The art of conversation thus allows to describe a different opposition between "the social" and "the sociable". "the sociable" can be defined from an ethical point of view whereas "thesocial" is limited to a series of fom formalizing and degrading protocols. The problematic of this thesis as indeed the analysis, through different examples, how conversation is achieved and recover its full existence. We start from a theoretical analysis of micro sociology from tarde and simmel in their interpretation of kant's anthropology. From this point of view, kant set precise rules defining "the social" and "the sociable"; this theoretical analysis is use as a support for a more concrete analysis in the following direction : - urban conversation and thestatus of the "stranger" -television conversation and the birth of a public image -cinematographic conversation or commercial communication - company conversion or the myth of critical ground.

Abstract FR:

L'objet de cette these sur l'art de la conversation a porte sur la communication, dans certaines formes, telecommunicative, telegraphique, telephonique, televisuelle, teleconferentielle, etc. . . Denaturait la conversation, et comment dans ces circonstances le social s'opposait au sociable. Cette approche s'est faite a travers diverses approches comme la micro-sociologie de gabriel de tarde et simmel, les processus d'interactions chez goffman, les apport de la sociolinguistique de labov, le cinema de godard et d'antonioni, les reality shows, les differentes reformes de l'urbanisme, la communication d'entreprise, et les conversations psychanalytiques. Les principaux champs d'etudes de cette these tourne autour de : l'analyse des conduites de la micro et macro sociologie a travers les travaux de l'ecole de chicago et l'ecole interactionniste. L'analyse de l'interactivite urbaine a partir des graffiti muraux et des developpements urbanistiques. L'analyse des reality shows. L'analyse des modeles d7entreprise a partir de la communication d'entreprise de certains groupes industriels. Les approches de la socio-linguistique et psycho-linguistique a partir de mon experience sur le terrain (creche et jardin d'enfant bilingues). La telecommunication a partir de l'analyse des reseaux numeris.