La construction imaginaire d'une technopole : l'exemple de Sophia Antipolis
Université Stendhal (Grenoble)Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Ethno-historical study on the realization of the first french "scientific compound" based on a discourse "that works" : construction-diffusion of a proposition, modalities of the means to passfrom saying it to doing it. Among the various factors of performance which have been identified, demonstration of the imaginary (utopic and social) dimension of the project. Analysis of the modalities determining the dynamics of cooperation and the making up of a collective enterprise as an illustration of the effects and limits of discursive efficiency.
Abstract FR:
Etude ethno-historique de la realisation de la premiere "cite scientifique" francaise comme un discours "qui marche" : construction-diffusion d'une proposition, modalites de passage du dire au faire. Parmi les differents facteurs de performance identifies, mise en evidence de la dimension imaginaire (utopique et social e) du projet. Analyse des modalites de cooperation et de constitution d'un collectif comme illustration des effets et limites de l'efficacite discursive.