
Codification et prestation dans les activités économiques : analyse de deux modalités de coordination

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris, ENMP



Abstract EN:

She thesis deals with the problem of economic coordination. Standard theory defines coordination as the way of creating an equilibrium between two autonomous sets of variables, ruled by principles independent from the coordination itself : supply and demand. The working hypothesis is that supply and demand do not exist prior to the coordination process. Rather coordination is considered to be a process which elaborates both supply and demand conditions and relates them to each other in a way which is specific to the coordination itself. The study is based on ethnographic works. The thesis analyzes two kinds of activities : catering and product design. In both activities two coordination modes could be observed. The first one, codification, concerns the inscription of patterns of supply and demand in frameworks which make the coordination durable and objective. The second one, adjustment, is characterized by a continual reconstruction of supply and demand conditions, based on local and experimental adjustments, and the participation of actors.

Abstract FR:

La these aborde la question de la coordination economique. La theorie bandard definit la notion comme une mise en equilibre de deux espaces autonomes, l'offre et la demande. Regules par des principes independant de la coordination. L'hypothese de travail consiste a considerer que l'offre et la demande ne preexistent pas a la coordination. Au contraire c'est elle qui les elabore et les met en relation selon des modalites specifiques a la coordination sur la base d'un travail ethnographique jeux activites (une activite de service et la conception d'objets nouveaux) ont ete etudiees. Deux modes de coordination, a l'oeuvre ont ete identifies - le premier appele codification, correspond a l'inscription de dispositions concernant l'offre et la demande dans des dispositifs durables et objectives - le second, appele prestation se realise plutot dans le cadre d'ajustements locaux et experimentaux supposant un engagement des acteurs. Le travail suggere que l'analyse de l'organisation de la firme fournit une lecture de la facon dont une firme construit son environnement et son marche.