
Relations entre le système éducatif et le marché du travail au Vénézuela

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

In our first part we will analyze the educational system in venezuela. The educational system is characterized from the colonial period to the 50s by its elitism. However since the 50s there has been a process of expansion of the education system on a large scale. The main objective was to adapt the human resources to the economic development prospects. It was thought that this would bring about a greater social equality. However the results of this expansion were not entirely satisfactory as it did not lead to any social mobility and the quality of the teaching remained low. In spite of the intentions to develop and educational system adapted to the economic necessities, the technical education has been and is still neglected in latin america and in venezuela in particular. In a second part we will analyze the links between the educational system and the labour market. We have chosen as our reference the theory of the segmentation if the labour market. According to this theory the labour market is not homogeneous. The differences of income are not deter mined by the level of study but by the segment of the labour market to which one belongs. Only college education has an influence upon the labour market because it allows to enter into the most organized segments. Our theoretical approch and the observations of the statistical data have led to show inadequacy between the pattern of planification educational and the functionning of the labour market.

Abstract FR:

Nous analysons dans une premiere partie le systeme educatif au venezuela. Celui ci se caracterise depuis l'epoque coloniale jusqu'aux annees 50 par son elitisme. Cependant a partir de cette periode on a assiste dans l'ensemble de l'amerique latine, et au venezuela a un processus d'expansion de l'education a grande echelle. L'objectif principal etait d'adapter les ressources humaines aux plans de developement economique. On pensait que ceci entrainerait une plus grande egalite sociale. Mais les resultats de cette expansion ne furent pas entierement satisfaisants car elle n'entraina aucune mobilite sociale et la qualite de l'enseignement demeura mediocre. Malgre l'intention de developper un systeme educatif adapte aux imperatifs economiques, l'education technique a ete et continue d'etre negligie en amerique latine et au venezuela. Dans une deuxieme partie il s'agit de determiner les liens entre le systeme educatif et le marche de travail. Nous avons choisi comme reference la theorie de la segmentation du marche du travail. Selon cette theorie le marche de travail n'est pas homogene. Les differences de revenu ne sont pas determinees par le niveau d'etude mais par le segment du marche du travail auquel on appartient, seule l'education universitaire influe sur le marche du travail car elle permet d'entrer dans les segments plus organises. Notre approche theorique et notre etude des donnees statistiques ont permit de mettre en relief l'inadequation entre le modele de planification educative au venezuela et le fonctionnement du marche du travail.