Espace, culture populaire et vie quotidienne a marrakech
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
In order to analyse the prolematical interrelation between popular culture and everyday life, first it was necessary to define the general conditions of life throughout the different contexts : historical, geographical, economic, spatial, social and human. (chap. I) it is difficult to dissociate popular culture from social reality, the former being influenced by the latter, and vice versa. That brings us to study space, town planning and some aspects of everyday life after having set up two main problems ; the national identity and the impact of colonialism. (chap. Ii) the ambition of the study is to give clear indication of the economic, social and spatial importance of the djamaa el fna's place and its influence on preserving the oral tradition. (chap. Iii) from the question :" how important is the tradition in the marrakshis'everyday life?", four aspects of the folklore have been analysed: public bars, festive occasions, music and television, in order to give an idea of the way culture is apprehended and lived up to, day after day, by the lower classes in marrakesh. (chap. Iv)
Abstract FR:
S'agissant d'une recherche dans le cadre de la problematique des rapports de la culture populaire et de la vie quotidienne, il a ete tout d'abord indispensable de definir les conditions generales de la vie humaine a travers les contextes : historique, geographique, economique, spatial, social et humain. (ch. I) la culture populaire est une entite indissociable de la realite sociale, ceci conduit a l'etude de l'espace, de l'organisation urbaine et de quelques aspects de la vie quotidienne, non sans avoir auparavant, pose les problemes complexes de l'identite nationale et de l'impact du colonialisme. (ch. Ii) ceci a pour ambition de degager l'importance economique, culturelle et spatiale de la place djamaa el fna et son role dans le maintien de la tradition orale. (ch. Iii) a partir de la question, "comment les marrakchis vivent-ils leurs traditions au quotidien ?", quatre aspects ont ete analyses : les cafes, les fetes, la musique et la television, qui ont pour but, d'esquisser la maniere dont la culture est percue et vecue au quotidien par les classes populaires a marrakech. (ch. Iv)