Travail et handicap. Demarches individuelles d'insertion sociale. Etude retrospective
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
A group of persons, having physical impairments and living outsides any institution, has been investigated. The aim of the research was to recognize factors and condition having allowed such persons to obtain and keep a good social adjustement. The research has been performed by means of interviews (video-recorded or a few persons); the present situation has been compared with many biographic elements. The relation among a wide range of personal items has been investigated by "analyse factorielle des correspondances" and "analyse en composantes principales". Results: a significant number of persons, whose impairment either exited at birth or appeared during the first 4 years of life, is now carrying on a good job. During their childhood, they have been in competition with able-bodied people and have been strongly supported by the family. In this way, they developed a personal trend, strong and lasting, towards social insertion; they wished to obtain from able-bodied people a full recognition of equality; they often succeded to marry an able-bodied person. Such a trend exists too for persons who were adults when the impairment appeared.
Abstract FR:
Recherche concernant un groupe de personnes, touchees par des deficiences physiques et vivant hors institution. But de la recherche: reconnaitre les facteurs et les conditions qui ont permis a ces personnes de realiser et de conserver une bonne adaptation sociale. Methode: entretiens (enregistres en video pour une partie des cas) etude de la situation presente et de la biographie des personnes; recherche des correlations par "analyse factorielle des correspondances" et "analyse des composantes principales". Resultats: une partie significative des cas ou le handicap etait present a la naissance ou est intervenu pendant le premier age, travaille et a un bon emploi au moment de l'interview. Il s'agit de personnes qui ont ete en competition avec des valides pendant leur enfance et qui ont ete soutenues par leurs parents. Elles ont appris et applique une demarche personnelle d'insertion qui est durable et qui tend a obtenir une reconnaissance d'egalite de la part des valides et aboutit souvent a la formation d'un couple avec un conjoint valide. Une demarche semblable existe aussi chez certaines des personnes dont le handicap est apparu a l'age adulte.