Des cheminements sociaux aux constructions de trajectoires professionnelles : histoires familiales, relations sociales et mobilité : des cadres et des entrepreneurs d'origine algérienne
Lyon 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
From algeria to france, and through the professional courses of children whose parents were algerian immigrants, the families social courses are recalled and analysed. The caracteristic of the persons interviewed in this investigation is to be a manager or a business owner in france today. From this professionnal status, one of the main hypothesis lies in checking out the repercussion of family handing down in the social courses achieved inside the french community. Different social practices, such as matrimonial union, sociability, clubs involvement and both professional and residential mobility have been analysed in order to study the elaboration of those choices and directions. In the same way "choices" were to be made (a possible change of nationality, relationship to algeria, etc. ) according to the courses realised by those persons in the french community and according to the representation they have from the ones of their parents. The intergenerational approach is then favoured, through the space-times taken into consideration, in order to understand the family and social constellations from which the social processes are worked out.
Abstract FR:
De l'algerie a la france, a travers les parcours professionnels des enfants de parents immigres algeriens, les parcours sociaux de ces familles sont retraces et analyses. Les individus interviewes tout au long de cette enquete ont pour caracteristique d'etre aujourd'hui en france des cadres ou des entrepreneurs. A partir de ce statut professionnel, l'une des hypotheses principales consiste a verifier l'incidence des transmissions familiales dans les parcours sociaux realises au sein de la societe francaise. Differentes pratiques sociales, telles que l'union matrimoniale, la sociabilite, la participation associative, les mobilites residentielles et professionnelles, ont ete analysees afin d'etudier la construction de ces trajectoires. Parallelement, des "choix" ont du etre operes (changement eventuel de nationalite, relations a l'algerie, etc. ) en fonction des parcours realises par ces individus dans la societe francaise et de la representation qu'ils se font de ceux de leurs parents. L'approche intergenerationnelle est des lors privilegiee, a travers les espaces-temps consideres, afin de saisir les constellations familiales et sociales a partir desquelles s'elaborent les cheminements sociaux.