L'ecole coloniale francaise en afrique noire (1817 - 1960) : le cas du senegal. essai de sociologie politique et historique de la strategie
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The present study constitutes of an essay on the political and historical sociology of strategy. Its field is the french colonial academic politics in black africa. Our intention is to take into consideration the strategy as it is intrinsically and as it appears during all the period of official existence of colonial educational system (1817 to 1960), to model it, to present it, analyse it and, finally, to disengage the considerations of principal in epistemological matters of the strategy. Three capital principles constitute the basis of this strategy : the administrative centralism, the assimilation and the utilitarism. The first two conform to the tradition of the french national construction, the third corresponds to the developement of capitalism at the xix th and xx th centuries. These principles present three fondamental caracteristics : the permanence of the objective, the adaptability to diverse conjunctures and the progressiveness of the action. Thus in the light of this strategy, the academic system for a period of 140 years has been set up (1817 to 1957, that is from the year of the creation of the first school at saintlouis to that of the creation of the university of dakar). From the coloniser's interests, this strategy has been efficient and has marked a notable measure of success. It has been coherent, excluded precipitation and avoided short term vision. Finally, it provides a capacity to counter the legitimate reactions of africans.
Abstract FR:
La presente etude constitue un essai de sociologie politique et historique de la strategie. Son champ est la politique scolaire coloniale de la france en afrique noire. Notre propos est de prendre en consideration la strategie telle qu'elle est intrinsequement et telle qu'elle s'est manifestee pendant toute la periode d'existence officielle de l'enseignement colonial (1817-1960), la formuler, la presenter, l'analyser et, a la fin, de degager des considerations de principe en matiere d'epistemologie de la strategie. Trois principes capitaux constituent le fondement de cette strategie : la centralisation administrative, l'assimilation et l'utilitarisme. Les deux premiers sont conformes a la tradition de la construction nationale francaise, le troisieme correspond au developpement du capitalisme au xixe et xxe siecles. Ces principes presentent trois caracteristiques principales : la permanence de l'objectif, l'adaptabilite aux diverses conjonctures et la progressivite de l'action. Ainsi, a la lumiere de cette strategie, a ete edifie le systeme scolaire au terme d'une periode de 140 ans (1817-1957) c'est-a-dire de l'annee de la creation du premier etablissement a saint-louis, a celle de la creation de l'universite de dakar). Du point de vue du colonisateur, cette strategie a ete efficace et a enregistre un succes notable. Elle a ete coherente; elle a exclu la precipitation et le pilotage a vue; enfin, elle concentrait une capacite de riposte face aux legitimes reactions des africains.