
Du rapport de génération(s) dans le champ résidentiel : la construction des groupes d'âges adolescents

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

The residential field is constructed in the process of communication between actors, during the every day activity required by a common housing area : reserve and autonomy are built as models for the household but unrealizable and replaced by the prosecuting and assisting game, that labelled some actors as a negative pole. Prosecuting and assisting are the local forms of communication shaped by the formal process of person, which operates as categorization and obligation (reciprocity). The generations boundaries are built by the local communication process : teenagers are deeply involved in the age categorization game and in the genealogy that are analyzed as two faces of these generation boundaries. Adolescence, which follows the emergence to the person, requires a generational contract that alter every concerned actor, in each family as well as in the residential field. The adolescents, by the way theylive in groups, prevent the household from closing up, compel families to get in touch with others, have to find compromises with the differentiated social worlds of their parents : the local public sphere still remains difficult to build. The research includes a theoretical discussion of such concepts as residential fields, adolescence, generations boundaries and relations ; it contributes to a theory of the person, drawing from jean gagnepain, and discussing the works of mauss and van gennep, as well as interactionism, ethnomethodology and constructivism. Methods are of ethnographic kind. The field consists in a housing - block within a large high-rise estate area in rennes (france), from 1982 to 1985.

Abstract FR:

Le champ residentiel est construit dans la communication entre acteurs a travers le travail de cohabitation quotidienne : l'ideal de la reserve et de l'autonomie du menage n'est pas realisable et est remplace par le jeu des accusations et de l'assistance, qui fixe certains au pole negatif. Accusations et assistance sont ainsi les formes locales de la communication construite par le processus formel de la personne, a la fois classement et obligation (reciprocite). Le rapport de generation(s) est lui-meme construit dans la communication locale : les adolescents sont au coeur du jeu des classements par age et de la genealogie qui representent les deux faces du rapport de generation. L'adolescence, qui suit l'acces a la personne, necessite l'etablissement d'un contrat de generations qui transforme tous les partenaires au sein de chaque famille comme dans le champ residentiel. Les adolescents, a travers leur vie de groupe, empechent toute cloture sur le menage, contraignent des familles a entrer en relation dans le champ residentiel mais doivent cependant composer avec les univers d'appartenance differencies des parents : l'espace public local reste difficile a etablir. La recherche comporte une discussion theorique du champ residentiel, de l'adolescence, du rapport de generations, ainsi qu'une contribution a une theorie de la personne inspiree de jean gagnepain, et reprenant les travaux de mauss et de van gennep, ainsi que de l'interactionnisme, de l'ethnomethodologie et du constructivisme. Les methodes sont de type ethnographique. Le terrain est constitue par un ilot de grand ensemble urbain a rennes (35), etudie de 1982 a 1985.