Les politiques sociales et l'immigration. La construction d'une population cible dans un contexte local
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Over the years 1970-1980 immigrants and especially north african immigrants have been more and more frequently regarded as a new population targeted by social policies. This work aims at highlighting the process which has given rise to this construction. Our approach considers that social policies cannot be simplified to a number of public measures. It attemps to take into account several elements such as the evolution of the components of immigration and its administration, the evolution of social policies as regards social problems and populations, as well as the pratices of social workess and elected representatives in the specification of their consumers. Thus, our work brings to the fore the raesons why all immigrants have gradually been considered as north africans and accordingly as dangerous people, both socially and politically. These reasons are mainly due to the history of france and algeria and the links between these two countries. It is from those social reprentations about algerian immigrants that the first social measures were developed and eventually generalized to the overall immigrant population. The observation of the social practices of the officers responsible for the implementation of the social measures in a local context has enabled us to describe the consequences these representations have on their practices, the way these officers define immigration and what is at stake in such a definition.
Abstract FR:
Dans les annees 1970-1980, les immigres, et plus particulierement les immigres maghrebins, sont de plus en plus frequemment consideres comme une nouvelle population cible des politiques sociale. Le travail presente se propose d'eclairer le processus qui a conduit a cette construction. La perspective adoptee considere les politiques sociales comme non reductibles a l'ensemble des mesures publiques. Elle s'efforce de prendre en compte, a la fois, l'evolution des composantes de l'immigration et des modes de gestion des immigres, a la fois l'evolution des politiques sociales dans la gestion des problemes sociaux et des populations, a la fois les pratiques sociales des agents (travailleurs sociaux, elus politiques) dans la definition des clienteles. Ce faisant, le travail presente met en evidence les raisons qui ont conduit a considerer l'ensemble des immigres comme maghrebins et par voie de consequence, comme des elements dangereux socialement et politiquement, raisons qui tiennent pour l'essentiel a l'histoire des rapports entre la france et l'algerie. C'est a partir de ces representations sociales relatives aux immigres algeriens qu'ont ete organisees les premieres mesures sociales, mesures generalisees ensuite a l'ensemble des immigres. Une observation des pratiques sociales des agents charges de mettre en oeuvre ces mesures sociales dans un contexte local, a permis de cerner les effets de ces representations sur leurs pratiques, la maniere dont ces agents definissent l'immigration et les enjeux d'une telle definition.