
Les principes cognitifs de la decision administrative dans l'organisation du controle fiscal

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Paris 4




Abstract EN:

This thesis is a contribution to the theme of the sociology of organizations. However it takes into account the results of cognitive psychology in order to create a specific pattern of the rationality of the actor called cognitive rationality. In fact, cognitive psychology, also called the psychology of the handling of information teaches us that an individual thinks in terms of cognitive processes which may appear logical in view of his store of knowledge, but which are objectively incorrect. Putting into practice the pattern of cognitive rationality demonstrates that the various actors of the fiscal control create and negotiate the administrative decisions according to a logical structure shaped by their own cognitive prejudices. The necessity of finding actors subject to payments in arrears enforced by the organization distorts the judgment of the taxinspectors; the "concrete" advantage to avoid tax-paying interferes with the judgment of the tax-paying citizen concerning the function of taxation and the role of the treasury. Consequently, the administrative decision depends on some of the cognitive principles which are treated in this thesis.

Abstract FR:

Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le champ de la sociologie des organisations, mais utilise les resultats de la psychologie cognitive pour construire un modele particulier de la rationalite de l'acteur, appele rationalite cognitive. La psychologie cognitive, ou psychologie du traitement des informations, nous apprend en effet que l'individu utilise dans son raisonnement des processus cognitifs, logiques du point de vue de ses connaissances, mais objectivement faux. L'application du modele cognitif de la rationalite montre que les differents acteurs du controle fiscal construisent et negocient la decision administrative selon une logique structuree par leurs "partis pris" cognitifs. La necessite de trouver des redressements, imposee par l'organisation, deforme le jugement des agents charges de controle fiscal; l'interet "concret" d'eviter l'impot devie la reflexion du "contribuable-citoyen" sur la fonction de l'impot et le role du fisc. La decision administrative depend donc de principes cognitifs qui sont analyses ici.