Les relations entre les acteurs sociaux de l'agriculture : Le plan national de réforme agraire au Pernambouc (Brésil) (1985-1988)
Paris 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Cette these a analyse les relations entre le patronat rural, les travailleurs agricules, l'eglise catholique et les partis politiques concernant le probleme de la reforme agraire dans les pernanbouc. On compare la lutte pour la terre avec la lutte sur le salaire dans les plantations de canne a sucre et avec les problemes de la petite production agricole familiale. Les relations conflictueuses entre les acteurs dans le passe (1950-64) autour de la question de la reforme agraire ont donne lieu a des relations basees sur le principe de la negociation autour de la question du salaire et des conditi0ns de travail dans les plantations de canne a sucre.
Abstract FR:
This study concerns the agrarian conflits in pernambuco, brazil. We analyse the social relations between landowners, peasants, the catholic church and political parties. In the brasilian history of social agrarian mouvements penambuco was known by his "peasant leagues", createdby francisco juliao in 1955 and, in a few years, spread over almost all brasilian territory. The main struggle of the leagues was agrarian reform. During the new republic (1985 - 1988), when the nacional agrarian reform plan was signed, we did not observe, in pernambuco, a so important effort for the agrarian reform as in others brazilian states. Our thesis shows the reasons of the diminution of the intensity of agrarian conflits in pernambuco. Neverthless, the rural workers syndicates of pernambuco succeed to organise, annualy, important strikes in the plantations of suggar cane. The axe of the agrarian conflits was thus tranferred from the land property question to the problems of wages and work conditions of the wage earners of the suggar cane.