
Espaces eclates, espaces domines : etude de la recomposition des espaces publics centraux de beyrouth de 1975 a 1990

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1991



Lyon 2




Abstract EN:

The restructuring of the urban spacs of beirut since 1975 provoked a retreat of categories and communities that were urbanized for long times, and an expansion of groups and commuwere newly urbanized. Militias, which came mainely from the latter, in spite of their conficts that divided the urban space, succeeded ind controlling the communal territories they constituted. The implementation of the territorial system implied the destruction of public spaces essentielly the down town center, which were places of contact and exchange between communities. This explains why thepermanent crisi and regular violence are managed to allow these social actors to dominate the torn apart spaces. Excuding strangers is dominating natives. Three main types of relations betwwen communisties are opposed in the actual urban space. The first one is related to "urbanhood" (citadinite) and considers communities as equal and complementary through the division of labour. The second model is the state model of communal relations hich considers communities as part of a hierarchy. The last model is the territorial one which identifies communites with spatial territories, segregated and based on exclusion.

Abstract FR:

La recomposition de l'espace urbain de beyrouth entre 1975 et 1990 proque le repli des categories et communautes citadines et l'expansion des groupes et communautes nouvellement urbanisees, les milices issues de ces dernieres, par dela leurs conflits et leur division de la ville, dominent les territoires communautaires eclates qu'elles se constituent. L'instauration de ce systeme territorial suppose la destruction des espaces publics, en particulier le centre-ville? qui constituaient les lieux de contacts et d'echanges entre communautes. L'institution d'un etat de crise permanente et la gestion d'une violence optimisee permettent a ces acteurs sociaux de dominier les espaces eclates. L'exclusion des etrangers est un assujettissement des natifs. Trois modeles de rapports commuautaires se telescopent dans l'espace urbain. Celui des relations issues de la citadinite, de tradition ottomane, qui implique reciprocite et complementarite identifiees a des specialites professionnelles. Un second modele est celui de l'etat qui instaure une hierarchie entre communautes. Le troisieme est celui de la territorialite qui identifie les communautes a des espaces de segregation et d'exclusion.