
Communauté noire et tradition socioculturelle ibadhite de Jerba : approche ethnomusicologique

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Paris 8



Abstract EN:

The purpose of this work is to carry out a sociological study of a black community in an ibadhite religious context. The island of djerba constitutes a promising field of study. It has an important black community, descendants of the ancient deported slaves, cohabiting with ibadhite berbers while insuring various socioprofessional functions. The establishment of deep and durable relationship between communities, sometimes at the price of some concession, has generated a specific state of mind to the islander. We have divided this work into three different parts. In the first one, we have given an overview of the physical situation of djerba and its various ethnic groups. We also went through its general history (the battles for the conquest of the island, the ottomans presence,. . . ) and, in particular, the ibadhisme (muslim school) history and the ibadhite community system in djerba. In the second part of this research, we gave a particular attention to the black community. We tried to retrace some aspect of the island's blacks life since the southern caravans. We also studied their social status evolution as well as the tasks and functions that were reserved for them. The sociocultural activities of djerba's blacks have retained our attention. A field study on customs and traditions of the djerbiens has revealed the importance granted to blacks in these sociocultural activities. These activities still exist nowadays. They seem to be preserved from the oblivion and desertion as was the case for other activities that were abandoned due to the evolution of the islander's way of life. The job of musician and music are subject to many controversies and reticences within the ibadhite community. An ethnomusicologic study of the repertory relative to marriage festivities reveals the talent of the black musicians and the richness of this repertory which is specific to djerba. Finally, we have devoted the third part of this research to the ethnomusicologic analysis of the musical tradition in djerba. We explained the musical instruments that are used as well as the modal and rhythmical system. We have proceeded to the transcription of a part of this repertory and to the analysis of some works. The ethnomusicologic approach confirms the importance of the role played by blacks in the sociocultural life in djerba.

Abstract FR:

Ce travail a pour objet l'etude sociologique d'une communaute noire dans un contexte religieux ibadhite. L'ile de jerba constitue un terrain d'etude bien fertile. Nous y trouvons une importante communaute noire, les descendants des anciens esclaves deportes, cohabitant avec les berberes ibadhites tout en assurant des fonctions socioprofessionnelles diverses. Le tissage de liens profonds et durables entre communautes, parfois au prix de quelques concessions, a genere un etat d'esprit specifique a l'insulaire. Nous avons articule ce travail en trois grandes parties. Dans la premiere, nous avons donne un apercu sur la situation physique de jerba et les diverses ethnies qui la peuplent. Nous avons egalement passe en revue l'histoire generale de l'ile (les batailles pour la conquete de l'ile, la presence ottomane. . . ) et particulierement l'histoire de l'ibadhisme (ecole musulmane) et le systeme communautaire ibadhite a jerba. Dans une deuxieme partie de cette recherche, nous avons prete une attention particuliere a la communaute noire. Nous avons alors tente de retracer certains aspects de la vie des noirs de l'ile depuis les caravanes du sud, l'evolution du statut social des noirs au fil des temps et les taches et fonctions reservees aux noirs. Les activites socioculturelles des noirs de jerba ont retenu notre attention. Une etude de terrain sur les coutumes et traditions des jerbiens nous a revele l'importance accordee aux noirs dans ces activites socioculturelles, qui demeurent jusqu'a nos jours et semblent preserves de l'oubli et l'abandon (comme c'est le cas d'autres activites tombees en desuetude du fait de l'evolution du mode de vie des insulaires). Le metier de musicien et la musique sont sujets de controverses et de reticences chez les ibadhites. Une etude ethnomusicologique du repertoire relatif aux festivites du mariage revele le genie des musiciens noirs et la richesse de ce repertoire specifique a jerba. Nous avons consacre la troisieme partie de cette these a l'analyse ethnomusicologique de la tradition musicale a jerba. Nous y avons expose les instruments de musique en usage, le systeme modal et rythmique. Nous avons procede a la transcription d'une bonne partie de ce repertoire et l'analyse de certaines oeuvres. L'approche ethnomusicologique confirme l'importance du role joue par les noirs dans la vie socioculturelle a jerba.