Le Parti communiste français et la question nationale
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The national question is meant to be understood as the relationship to the country as well as a link with a political an historical setting, together with theaspects of conscience awareness of the french civilian society : this does not exclude the problem of the creation and existence of nations. The historic period chosen is the one during which the ideas of thorez are fully unfolded : these ideas are thus presented so as tobe understood as the french way of the marxist leninism doctrine belonging to the komintern which was organized by the pcf. During this period, the same pcf shows how it is at the core and does represent the core of politics at the same time. Hence it cannot split and it aims at preserving the "party". The pcf is almost unable to follow an independant political line and is obliged to cling to other forces to make it stronger; these other forces have to acknowledge the worker's representation monopoly. The pcf is the answer to the political questionning of the first world war result, of the sfio and of the political system of the french third republic grounded upon the crushing of the commune and upon the national disinterest.
Abstract FR:
La question nationale designe le rapport au pays, le rapport a un cadre politique et historique, a des formes de conscience internes a la societe civile francaise et pas uniquement la question de la formation et de l'existence des nations. La sequence historique choisie est celle ou se deploie pleinement le thorezisme, presente comme voie francaise du marxisme-leninisme de la troisieme internationale, organisee par le pcf. Dans cette sequence, le pcf montre qu'il possede une singularite : il concentre la politique, il est la politique. De ce fait, il ne peut eclater et sa politique est de preserver "le parti". Le pcf a une quasi-impossibilite a mener une politique independante et s'accroche a d'autres forces pour renforcer "le parti" mais ces autres forces doivent lui reconnaitre le monopole de la representation ouvriere. Le pcf est la reponse organisationnelle a la question politique du bilan de la premiere guerre mondiale, de la sfio et du systeme politique de la troisieme republique fondee sur l'ecrasement de la commune de paris et sur la demission nationale par l'abandon de l'alsace-lorraine.