L'accès aux droits sociaux dans les situations d'accueil : la mise en jeu de la personne : l'exemple d'une Caisse d'allocations familiales
Rennes 2Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Improving service for beneficiaries has become a main priority for every public administration and for social security in particular. As part of an improvement program sponsored by the government, social security offices are in the process of reinforing their efforts to inform and communicate with the public in order to provide users with smoother access to social security benefits. However these efforts are not sufficient to fill the gap between certain categories of users and the social security system, as shown by our case analysis of public relations at the social security office of Ille-et-Vilaine. Using the model developed by L. Boltanski and L. Thevenot, we have pointed out that the relations between receptionist and social security office users are part of inherently different schemes of action. The confrontation of these schemes of action necessitates various adjustment processes for a better coordination of the actor's behaviour. By studying a series of situations at reception we have, however, demonstrated that such adjustment processes can fail. We have therefore postulated that non-adjustment situations are a factor in the difficulties in securing social security rights. Our thorough analysis of the modalities and conditions of implementation of theses adjustment processes has clearly evidenced that adjustments are not only about bringing different worlds with different reference systems into contact but also invariably calls for translation and conversion from one world to the other. This requires a strong commitment from the actors, and a level of involvement which they are not always able to provide. Having reached the limits of Boltanski &Thevenot's theory, we have tried to describe the processes related to the person's " weaknesses ", using an anthropological theory, the " Theorie de la Médiation " ; By so doing, we have underlined that the communication between social security officers and users brings into plat the understanding of a given social background and especially concerns the person's ability to analyse ethnic identity.
Abstract FR:
Améliorer la qualité du service rndu aux usagers est, désormais, une priorité pour l'ensemble des services publics. Les Caisses d'allocations familiales ne font pas exeption et sont appelées, dans le cadre de contrats d'objectifs avec l'Etat, à traiter les difficultés d'accès aux droits des allocataires en intensifiant leuir politique d'information et de communication. L'analyse que nous avons effectuée des relations administratives de service dans les conditions de l'accès aux droits à la Caisse d'allocations familiales d'Ille-et-Vilaine montre que cette politique ne peut en elle-même suffire à réduire la distance qui existe entre une partie des allocataires et le dispositif de protection sociale. En nous appuyant sur le modèle élaboré par L. Boltansky et L. Thevenot nous avons mis en évidence que les relations de service entre agents d'accueil et usagers de la CAF sont substantiellement des régulations de différentes logiques d'action. / Nous avons ainsi souligné que les échanges entre agents et usagers de la CAF mettent en jeu la rationalité sociologique des personnes, laquelle interpelle, en particulier, leurs capacités d'analyse ethnique.