Structures urbaines participatives : le cas de Pavie
Paris, EHESSDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
The city of pavia was one of the first italian cities to provide an institutional structure for community participation in local decision making. When this structure was devised in the 1970's there was great enthusiasm about the idea and great expectations regarding its practical application. This thesis attempts to provide a way to go beyond a debate which tends to express only subjective responsability, by examining the objective factors in play. In this context the following are analyzed: the relationship between the nature of spontaneous social mobilization and the quality of the community structure; the practice of community democracy in relationship to the contents of social politics and urban plnning; the impact of various institutional changes at national level on the pavia experience and finally social and demografic changes together with the cultural changes connected with them. Using this approach it is shown that the currently existing forms of participation have outlived their function and a new, more adeguate model is proposed. However, by now the political and social actors involved in the structure feel frustated by it.
Abstract FR:
La ville de pavie a ete le siege de l'une des premiere experiences italiennes de creation de structures institutionnelles visant a favoriser la participation des citoyens a la vie publique. L'enthousiasme et les ambitions avec lesquels elle fut concue au debut des annees 70 ont depuis longtemps laisse la place a l'insatisfaction unanime des acteurs politiques et sociaux concernes. Cette these se propose d'etre un instrument pour aller au-dela d'un debat qui tend a s'exprimer exclusivement en termes de responsabilites subjectives. En cette perspective, on y analyse: la relation entre la nature de la mobilisation sociale spontanee et la qualite des structures participatives; la pratique de la participation par rapport aux contenus des politiques sociales et de la planification urbaine; l'impact sur l'experience pavoise des changements institutionnels qui interviennent au fur et a mesure au niveau national; les changements sociaux et demographiques, et les transformations culturelles qui leur sont liees. Cette approche permet de montrer comment les formes de participation actuelle ont desormais epuise leur tache, et de definir un modele alternatif approprie au niveau contexte.