L'organisation apprenante : Pour une analyse en termes de construits sociaux
Paris, CNAMDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
The notion of "learning organization" requires that should be defined the way the individual and the organisational levels constitute a social reality. The author's first inquiries show these levels cannot be conceived in terms of oppos dissociation as two separated functional entities. Moreover, this notion is related to the discussion about the evolutio "productive patterns" which was set in france in accordance with friedmann's hypotheses about the "getting out of taylor the sociology of configurations, such a it was elaborated by n. Elias, allow us to conceive any social ensemble as irreducible to the individuals and at the same time as the product of their activity, so that a sociology upon the individual practice would be superseded. Referring to the pioneers of the sociology of labour, these configuration should be defined in relationship to concrete tools and to the social sphere of technique. Their development relies upon a historical construct, upon what is already here, "phylogenetically" conceived. This perspective contrasts with the teleological one, which would define learning as an aim-oriented activity (both perspectives interfere with the last one, in "organizational learning" theories). Three different factories are viewed through these categories. Each of the three monographs emphasises the determining function of the "constitutive scheme" which originated at the basis of these institutions. Theoretical reflection and field-investigation lead to an analysis in terms of social constructs, which develops five mutually related propositions and, considering the chosen cases, gives an account of the modes theses constructs are produced. These propositions enable us to conceive the learning organization as a mean to strengthen the efficiency of its "form constitution" (as for example the introduction of taylorism), or as generated by itself, when constitutive endogenous factors compel to a continuous search of learning.
Abstract FR:
Le niveau de l'organisation. Les premiers travaux de l'auteur montrent qu'ils ne peuvent etre penses en opposition ou pa dissociation en blocs fonctionnels separes. Par ailleurs, l"l'organisation apprenante" intervient dans le debat sur l'ev des "modeles productifs", amorce en france par les hypotheses de friedmann sur la "sortie du taylorisme". La sociologie des configurations, developpee par n. Elias, permet de concevoir l'ensemble social comme irreductible aux individus et en meme temps constitue par leurs activites, depassant ainsi une sociologie fondee a partir des pratiques individuelles (appelees strategies ou autres) ou des acteurs locaux. Renouant avec les fondateurs de la sociologie du tr ces configurations ne peuvent etre pensees qu'en liason avec l'outil et le milieu technique. Elles evoluent en prenant a le construit historique "deja-la" (point de vue "teleologique", que l'on retrouve mele avec le premier dans les developp l'"apprentissage organisationnel"). C'est ce regard qui sera porte dans trois usines differentes. Les trois monographies font ressortir le caractere determi "scheme constitutif" qui est a leur fondation. Le travail theorique et de terrain aboutissent a la formulation d'une analyse de la realite sociale en termes de constru sociaux, s'articulant autour de cinq propositions reliees entre elles, et a une representation de leurs modes de constru "au vu" des cas etudies. Elles permettent de concevoir l'organisation apprenante comme renforcement de sa "mise en forme" (par exemple l'implantation du taylorisme) ou, comme emanant de sa "mise en forme", les facteurs endogenes de sa constitution suscitant un sursaut continuel d'apprentissage.