
Le travail employé : le processus de la diversification de la catégorie des employés : approche socio-technique des conditions de travail et problématique des formes de vie

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994





Abstract EN:

The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to study the process of diversification of the employee category. Therefore, to begin with, it underscores the socio-economic conditions which contributed to bring this social category into being and also the series of changes which enable us to study it today. Indeed as soon as it came into being all the socio-economic, professional and cultural conditions that set this process of diversification in notion, were already present. First this diversification can be explained by the great variety of jobs and employments which this category encapsulates. The secretary can be found in it alongside the saleswoman, but it also includes the bank-clerk, the policeman, the wage-earning hairdresser as well as the charwoman. So, having carefully examined the various already existing definitions of the employee social category, we have been able to gather them together in one common identity as wage-earning workers involved in performing sign work. Thanks to this definition, we have put the technical systems of the employees sign work as well as their unequal evolutions at the centre of our study by referring them to areas where employed works may be stable or on the opposite unstable, this task has enabled us to open up our field of study to an evolving sociology of working and employment systems and to get closer to the discriminating patterns that give shape and measure to the range of sign work of the employees. Finally, the third part consisted of putting forward guidelines for a much wider problematic by reflecting on the "shock waves" that this process of diversification of the employee workforce is likely to touch off beyond the sole production sphere. This has enabled us to observe in what ways these changes alter professional identities, shift their boundaries, bring about new definitions, blur them and, more deeply, what teir consequences are on social identities and more

Abstract FR:

Le but de cette these est d'etudier le processus de la diversification de la categorie des employes. Elle priviligie donc dans un premier temps les conditions socio-economiques qui ont favorise l'emergence de cette categorie ainsi que les transformations successives qui permettent de l'observer aujourd'hui. En effet, des sa genese toutes les conditions : socio-economiques, professionnelles et culturelles, etaient reunies pour que se mette en place le processus de sa diversification. Cette derniere est d'abord celle des professions et des emplois que ce groupe agglomere : la secretaire y cotoie la vendeuse, mais aussi l'employe de banque, l'agent de police, la coiffeuse salarie ou encore la femme de menage. Ainsi, apres un travail de dechiffrage des definitions existantes de l'etre social "employe", nous avons pu les rassembler sous une identite commune de travailleurs salaries d'execution du travail des signes. Outilles de cette definition, nous avons donc place les systemes techniques du travail des signes des employes et leurs evolutions inegales au centre de l'enonce en les referant a des zones de stabilisation ou au contraire de destabilisation des emplois, ceci afin d'ouvrir le champ a une sociologie evolutive des modes de travail et des modes d'emploi et d'approcher les matrices de differenciation qui donnent forme et mesure a l'eventail du travail des signes des employes. Enfin, la troisieme partie a consiste a proposer les axes centraux d'une problematique beaucoup plus vaste, en pensant "les ondes de choc" que le processus de la diversification du proces de travail employe est susceptible d'induire au dela de la seule sphere de travail, ceci afin d'observer de quelle(s) maniere(s) ces mutations agissent sur les identites professionnelles, les deplacent, les redefinissent, les brouillent et, quant au fond, quelles sont leurs consequences sur les identites sociales et plus precisement sur l'identite sociale des employes