L'habitant raisonnable. Elaboration culturelle de l'espace urbain
Paris 8Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The understanding of the human inhabitant, characterized as incorporating builtup environment, has been widely developed from a descriptive point of view. The explanation implies the development of a specific model. Based on the "mediation theory", as forwaded by jean gagnepain, the proposed explanatory model is confonted with the concrete conditions of urban life in order to explore its consistency in a pracical perspective.
Abstract FR:
La connaissance de l'homme-habitant, caracterise comme incorporant du cadre bati, a largement ete developpee dans son aspect descriptif son explication suppose l'elaboration d'un modele specifique. Etabli a partir de la theorie de la mediation, celui-ci est ensuite confronte aux conditions pratiques de la vie urbaine pour en explorer pratiquement la pertinence.