L'integration des immigrants zairois en france : 1980 - 1994
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The zairian government and the french one didn't sign a convention related to immigration. Despite that fact, zairian immigration is far more a social, cultural, and economic reality than a myth. The zairian immigrants' presence increased in the early 80's. However that may be, this immigration shouldn't be comparable to the former ones people could witness in france, a phenomenon which-seems to be atypical. In spite of the immigrants' good command of the french language. Their integration was such an ordeal that they had to abide by drastic measures.
Abstract FR:
Le zaire n'a pas signe de convention en matiere d'immigration avec la france. Malgre cela, l'immigration zairoise n'est plus un mythe mais une realite socio-culturelle et socio-economique. La presence des immigrants zairois s'est accrue vers les annees 80. Cependant, cette immigration n'est pas comparable aux immigrations precedentes connues par la france. Elle est atypique. En depit de la connaissance de la langue du pays d'acceuil, leur integration n'etait pas facile car elle dependait de plusieurs facteurs.