
Etudes supérieures, légitimation sociale et identité nationale : le cas colombien

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1994



Abstract EN:

This research falls into three parts : 1) culturel connexions and global society. 2) education as an instrument of social legitimization. 3) studying abroad : a mechanism favours national identity. The first part is an introduction to the concept of culture, its origins, the theories elaborated from that concept and the use which can be made of it in sociology. It also includes general data about the comumbian society concerning the social stratification and the concurrent state of the country development. The second part deals with education as an entity of social legitimization. The third part is the result of three on-site studies about superior education carried out abroad and its cosequences on the social status and the natonal identity feeling. The case we analyze is the one of the comumbians havieng carried out their superior education in france. The basic argument consists in conceiving superior education as a structurating factor in social relationships and as a discriminating system. In the conclusion, we'll get to the fact that sutdying abroad doesn't changeanything as far as social status is concerned but it helps building a stroger feeling of national identity.

Abstract FR:

Ce travail se compose de trois parties qui traitent : 1) les relations interculturelles et la societe globale. 2) l'education comme instrument de legitimation sociale. 3) les etudes a l'etranger comme mecanisme identitaire. La premiere partie presente le concept de culture, son origine, les theories etablies a partir de celui-ci et son utilisation en sociologie. Egalement elle comporte les donnees generales de la societe colombienne concernant la stratification sociale et l'etat du developpement du pays. La deuxieme partie traite la question de l'education comme etant une entite de legitimation sociale. La troisieme partie est le resultat de trois etudes concernant les etudes superieures a l'etranger et ses repercussions sur le statut social et l'identite nationale. Le cas etudie est celui des colombiens ayant effectue leurs etudes en france. L'arguement de base consiste a concevoir l'education superieure comme un element structurant les rapports sociaux et comme un systeme de discrimination. La conclusion est que les etudes superieures a l'etranger ne modifient pas la position sociale mais ils contribuent a modifier l'identite nationale.