Migrations et ouvrierisation. Les trajectoires professionnelles d'anciens paysans de l'ouest algerien
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The aim of this thesis is to compare three groups of industrial workers. They have a same rural, agricol and local origine. They are peasants from 'tounane" a village from the rural environment of ghazaouet city, not far from the village (north-west of algeria). We choose to compare people who have just changed the work but did not moved from the village : "mutants": they have choosen to work in an industrial factory of the village, and are still living in the rural area. "transfert": it is the case of people who moved from tounane village to ghazaouet city in order to work in the zinc factory (e. N. S). They live now in the city. "immigration": it forms the last groupe. It concerns people who moved from the agricol environment of ghazaouet, to france in order to work in industry. We try first, to know how people made their choice moving ? in a second time, we describe changements happening in their social life. At last, we attend to understand their social and professionnal destiny.
Abstract FR:
Il s'agit de la comparaison entre trois groupes d'anciens paysans de l'ouest algerien. La comparaison porte sur trois trajectoires migratoires et ouvrieres differentes. Les trajectoires sont : 1- la mutation: c'est le mouvement des paysans vers l'usine qui s'est implantee aux portes du village (tounane, sis au nord-ouest algerien). 2- le deplacement: c'est le cas de l'exode rural des paysans du meme village vers l'usine de zinc (e. N. S) de la ville voisine, ghazaouet. 3- l'immigration: il s'agit du depart en france des paysans originaires des environs rurales de ghazaouet pour devenir des ouvriers industriels. L'etude porte sur les modalites de prise de decision de migration. Vient ensuite la description des groupes dans leurs nouveaux milieux sociaux et professionnels. Enfin, nous avons cherche a savoir quel sera le devenir professionnel et social de chacun d'eux.