L'espace migratoire franco-tunisien : historique et perspectives
Paris, EHESSDisciplines:
Abstract EN:
The relationshps which have developed between tunisia and france since the eighteenth century have taken several forms of cooperation, colonization, domination and interdependence. A multidimensioal room has taken shape, overcome all the uncertainties and nowadays makes up the background of the relationships between the tow countries. Human exchanges, namely immigration, represent, towards the end of the twentieth century one of the major problems. This immigration phenomenon is linked to a whole variety of other interfering problems, which thus make an equation to serveral other unknown ones. Consequently, one cannot study the issue of immigration without having an overall view of the evolution and the prospect s of the demographic, political, economic and cultural situation. . . All over the area, as a matter of fact, the problem of immigration has not stopped its evolution. Starting as a temporary immigration of individuals, it has ended up, at th e present day, as a family and populating immigration. Serveral factors such as the maintaining of demographic pressure , underdevelopment and the impact of french cultural influence leads us to think hat it is not in the coming days that the end of the migratory phenomenon from south to north is to take place.
Abstract FR:
Les relations entre la tunisie et la france qui se sont developpees depuis le dix-huitieme siecle, ont pris plusieurs formes, de cooperation, de colonisation, de domination et d'interdependance. Un espace multidimentionnel a pris forme, a survecu a tous les aleas et constitue actuellement le soubassement des rapports entre les deux pays. Les echanges humains, en l'occurrence l'immigration, constituent en cette fin du vingtieme siecle un des problemes les plus importants. Ce phenomene d'immigration est lie a toute une panoplie d'autres sous problemes qui s'interferent et qu i forment de la sorte une equation a plusieurs inconnues. De ce fait, on ne peut etudier la question de l'immigration sans avoir une vue d'ensemble sur l'evolution et les perspectives de la situation demographique, politique, economique, culturelle. . . Dans toute la region. En effet, la problematique de l'immigration n'a cesse d'evoluer. D'immigration familiale et de peuplement. Plusieurs facteurs tels que le maintien de la pression demographique, le sous developpement et l'effet de l'influence culturelle francaise laissent croire que l'arret du phenomene migratoire sud-nord n'est pas pour demain.