
Sociologie et action sociale : les messages d'éducation sanitaire face aux idéologies

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1987



Paris, EHESS



Abstract EN:

The relationship between social policies and sociology is complex. The definition of social policies relies on sociology from both the points of view of the limitation of its domain of intervention and the legitimation of these interventions. When sociology is used as a theorical tool to inspire social policies, it finds in this application an opportunity for further research and for self-valorisation as it provides pratical solutions. The health education campaigns constitute a good illustration in this latter respect. There is, however, another dimension in the application of sociology to the study of social policies. Sociology analyses these policies as instruments for social control. Thus, it reveals what is actually at stake when reference is made to the notion of "prevention". It precisely unveals the relationships of power which this notion tends to obscure.

Abstract FR:

Action sociale et sociologie ont des rapports complexes. La premiere fait appel a la seconde pour delimiter son champ d'action et legitimer ses interventions. La seconde, quand elle est outil au service de l'action sociale, trouve la des domaines de recherche ou l'experimentation est possible ainsi que le moyen de valoriser son utilite en offrant des solutions. Les campagnes d'education pour la sante ont servi d'illustration a ces propos. Mais la sociologie comporte une seconde dimension qui consiste a analyser l'action sociale en tant qu'instrument politique de regulation. Elle met alors a jour les veritables enjeux qui se jouent autour de la notion de prevention devoilant ainsi les rapports de force sociaux, que justement, la prevention vise a masquer.