Le dessin du bateau et l'enfant - etude psychologique
Lille 3Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Putting the stress on the formal and thematic analysis of a corpus of boat drawings carried out under standardized conditions by schoolboys and schoolgirls which are six to ten years of age, this searching examination is aiming at contributing to a psychology of the interpretation of child drawing in relation with the age and sex of the drawer during the third childhood, in a structural and developmental prospect. So as to comply with this project, the methodology of this theme-drawing has been thoroughly worked out. As an original instrument both of psychological analysis and of research, the method for a thorough investigation of the boat drawing clarifies its analysis according to a qualitative, restricted process defined on the basis of a transposition of the method of structural analysis of hermann rorschach to drawing. Considered according to their various modalities, the formal criteria of graphic production apply to the analysis of the stylistic characteristic features : approach to the graphic method (formal approach types, general space, organisation the tracing modalities) and the determinants (shape-colour-kinesthesy). The different content categories could be obtained as from a systematic inventary of the drawings collected ; these are directly connected with the image of the boat or are being induced by the theme. Being built up, that way, the so obtained investigation instrument has been tested by a standardized application, the results of which have confirmed the sensibility of the method for a thorough investigation to the factors sex and age. But, at the same time, the searching examination could enrich the method itself and highlight how this theme-drawing could be efficiently exploited in a psychological application (. . . )
Abstract FR:
Centree sur l'analyse formelle et thematique d'un corpus de dessins de bateaux realises dans des conditions standardisees, par des filles et des garcons scolarises de six ans a dix ans, cette recherche vise - dans une perspective structurale et developpementale - a contribuer a une psychologie de l'interpretation du dessin enfantin qui tienne compte de l'age et du sexe du dessinateur, au cours de la troisieme enfance. Pour satisfaire ce projet, la methodologie d'utilisation de ce dessin a theme a ete minutieusement elaboree. A la fois, instrument original d'analyse psychologique et de recherche, la grille de depouillement du dessin du bateau clarifie l'etude de celui-ci selon un procede qualitatif circonscrit qui est defini a partir d'une transposition de la methode d'analyse structurale de hermann rorschach, au dessin. Envisages selon leurs diverses modalites, les criteres formels de la production graphique concernent l'etude des caracteres stylistiques : le mode d'apprehension graphique (types d'apprehension formelle, organisation spatiale generale, modalites du trace) et les determinants (forme, couleur, kinesthesie). Les categories de contenu ont ete etablies a partir d'un inventaire systematique des dessins recueillis ; elles sont directement liees a l'image du bateau ou sont induites par le theme. Ainsi construit, l'instrument a ete eprouve par une application standardisee dont les resultats ont confirme la sensibilite de la grille de depouillement aux variables de sexe et d'age. Mais, en meme temps, la recherche a enrichi la methode elle-meme et a fait decouvrir comment ce dessin a theme pourrait etre utilise dans une pratique psychologique. Explore trop brievement en clinique individuelle, le champ des ressources de ce dessin a theme a cependant ete esquisse. (. . . )