De la dyade gémellaire au couple marital : l'adolescence gémellaire
Paris 5Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
Between the adolescence and the beginning of the adult life, the oedipian experience commes our with intensity in the case of the twin who has to intagate a fourth protagonist : his co-twin, in oder to overtake this situation. The usual oedipian triangle gives then its place to what the author calls the twin-parental quartet, that is to say a configuration where the twin experiments feelings of love desires together with hostile ones towards his parents but also towards his co-twin. Besides, when questioning the identity, the author makes the statement that the twin life hinders the construction of the teenager twin's identity. The teenager-twin feels often uncertain in his personnal identity to the benefit of the twin-identity, which is the consequence of the past concomitant evolutions. The construction of the twin's identity is thus slowed down since the previous twin's identifications and objects relationships. Eventually, this work drafts the later evolution of twin relationships after the period of adolescence throught the question of link and separatioin and relates a study about marriage of twins in strasbourg. This thesis has been made possible thanks to the participation of teenager-twins and non-twins as well as adults and their twin-epouses, knowing that the main theoritical field remains the psychoanalysis.
Abstract FR:
Entre l'adolescence et le debut de la vie adulte, l'experience oedipienne s'impose avec intensite, dans la mesure ou le jumeau, pour pouvoir la depasser, doit integrer un quatrieme protagoniste : son co-jumeau. Le triangle oedipien habituel cede ainsi sa place a ce que l'auteur appelle le quatuor gemello-parental, c'est-a-dire une configuration a l'interieur de laquelle le jumeau eprouve un ensemble de desirs amoureux et hostiles a l'egard de ses parents mais aussi a l'egard du co-jumeau. Par ailleurs, en questionnant l'identite, l'auteur constate que la vie dyadique entrave la construction identitaire chez le jumeau. Celui-ci est souvent mal assure dans une identite personnelle au profit d'une identite dyadique. Chez lui, la construction identitaire est ralentie car les identifications anciennes, gemellaires en l'occurrence, ont du mal a etre attenuees. Grace a ces deux elaborations, l'auteur a montre les connexions qui existent entre identite et identification, entre identification et relation d'objet. Enfin, ce travail esquisse le devenir des relations gemellaires apres l'adolescence par le biais de la question du lien et de la separation et presente en particulier, une enquete sur le mariage des jumeaux a strasbourg. Cette these a ete elaboree grace a la contribution de jumeaux et nonjumeaux et de conjoints gemellaires, le champ theorique principal etant la psychanalyse.