
Le traumatisme parental dans la prematurite. Devenir et representations.

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1996



Paris 5


Abstract EN:

Prematurity, neonatal diseases and mother child separation at birth constitute for the future of parental dynamic a non negligible traumatism. Twenty vears after the opening of neonatal care units to parents, the clinical study (1990) of this early sequence in fifty families of neonates hospitalized in amiens teaching hospital, and then of the late outcome (1994) of maternal and paternal representations, shows a stil pending process of psychic elaboration. This assessment, taking the way of parental talk and behaviour as well as the one of children symptoms, shows obviously that this opening is inadequate if it is not accompanied by a real psychologic support of both parents. The specific attention paid to the father in this research underlines the importance of his talk in the maternal figuration as well as in the speeding-up of the initially manhandled indentification process. Thus, in reality as well as in maternal representation, taking into account the place of the child's father seems to us to be the keystone of any questionning on the outcome of birth inaugural perceptions and of suffering induced by separation.

Abstract FR:

Prematurite, pathologies neonatales et separation mere-enfant a la naissance constituent un traumatisme non negligeable sur l'avenir de la dynamique parentale. Vingt ans apres l'ouverture des services de neonatologie aux parents, l'etude clinique (1990) de cette sequence precoce portant sur cinquante "familles" de nouveau-nes hospitalises au centre hospitalier universitaire d'amiens, puis du devenir des representations maternelles et paternelles a distance (1994) objective un processus d'elaboration psychique toujours en souffrance. Ce constat empruntant la voie du discours et du comportement parental comme celle des symptomes des enfants, traduit manifestement l'insuffisance de cette ouverture si elle ne se trouve pas accompagnee d'une veritable aide psychologique de chacun des parents. L'attention particuliere accordee au pere dans cette recherche souligne l'importance de sa parole dans la figuration maternelle comme dans l'acceleration d'un processus identitaire initialement malmene. Aussi, prendre en compte, dans la realite comme dans la representation maternelle, la place du pere de l'enfant nous semble une clef de voute a tout questionnement sur le devenir des perceptions inaugurales de la naissance et de la souffrance creee par la separation.