La litterature enfantine extra-scolaire dans le monde arabe : analyse formelle et thematique des revues pour enfants
Paris 5Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The study was made according to 2 approaches : 1) - the historical and sociological approach which allowed the appraisal of the press development from the quantitative and qualitative point of view and to underline its sources of production and its addressees. 2) - the analytical approach (based on the analysis of the contents) which allowed the exposure of the subjacent axiology which is behind the evident and concealed cont- ents of the iconic and scriptural messages. The multi-dimensional system we have imagined is divided into 4 main parts (each of these parts including 2 stages : the explicit and the implicit). 1) - in the formal and pedagogical analysis, we have studied the different aspects of the messages, the characteristics of their figures and their distribution in the features of the magazine. 2) - the study of the mediators (characters) covers their sociological characteristics, the connotation of their status and the kind of psychological relations they develop together. This study has underlined the attit- ude of the mediator in front of an obstacle and the specific status of the child and the woman. The humour, largely developped, is thoroughly analysed. 3) - the thematic analysis has shown 13 notional fields : academic, social, economic, political, re- ligious, educational, technological, medical, legal, military, entertainment, family and nature. We have appraised the distribution of the themes in the features and their arab specifi- city. 4) - the value-system which has been listed is composed of il sectors : physio- logical physical, cognitive cultural, social, economic, political, religious, moral, relative to the entertainment, to the family, to the ego, to the fancy. We have studied the way they are articulated and our appraisal lays on 2 basises : the cul- tural authenticity and the development. 3 variables applied to the whole of the themes and values allowed to check the following hypothesises : a) - the contents has changed between 1956 and 1982. B) - has been influenced by the political ideology. C) - is different according to the geographical and cultural areas (maghreb machrek).
Abstract FR:
Cette etude a ete menee selon deux approches : 1. L'approche historique et sociologique qui a permis d'apprecier l'evolution de la presse au niveau quantitatif et qualitatif et d'en preciser les sources de production et les destinataires ; 2. L'approche analytique qui, menee selon la methode de l'analyse de contenu, a permis de demasquer l'axiologie sous-jacente au contenu manifeste et latent des messages iconiques et scripturaux. Le systeme multidimentionnel que nous avons concu comporte 4 axes pour chacun desquels 2 paliers ont ete envisages, l'explicite et l'implicite. 1e) au cours de l'analyse formelle et pedagogique, nous avons etudie les differents aspects des messages, les caracteristiques de leurs emetteurs et leur repartition sur les rubriques du journal. 2e) l'etude des mediations a porte sur leurs catacteristiques sociologiques, la connotation de leur statut et le type de relation psychologique qu'ils entretiennent entre eux. Cette etude a mis en evidence l'attitude devant l'obstacle de la mediation principale et les statuts specifiques de l'enfant et de la femme. L'humour, medium privilegie, a fait l'objet d'une analyse approfondie. 3e) l'analyse thematique a fait apparaitre 13 champs notionnels : academique, social, recreatif, nature, familial, economique, politique, religieux, scolaire, technologique, legal, medical et militaire. Nous avons apprecie la repar tition des themes sur les rubriques et leur specificite arabe. 4e) le systeme des valeurs recensees comporte 11 categories : physiologiquesphysiques, cognitives-culturelles, sociales, relatives au moi, de loisirs, economiques-pratiques, politiques, familiales, religieuses, morales et d'evasion. Nous avons etudie leur mode d'articulation et nous les avons jugees selon 2 criteres : l'authenticite culturelle et le developpement. . . Trois variables appliquees a l'ensemble des themes et valeurs ont permis la verification des hypotheses suivantes : a) le contenu a evolue entre 1956 et 1982. B) il a subi l'influence de l'ideologie politique. C) il differe selon la zone geo-culturelle (maghreb-machrek). . .