
Paternite et pathogenie de la psychose

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1989



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

Based on the clinical observation of attitudes and proximity of a psychotic's father toward his son, this study focuses on links between paternity and origin of psychosis. The first part deals with the concept of paradoxical narcissic position. This concept is issued from the analytical familial theory. The second part describes reality and psychism operating in a family whose second child is psychotic. One of the father's caracteristics is the lack of objectal symbolisation creating an incomplete narcissic investment for is son. Homosexual's position of the son and functioning as a father's negative double represents the main consequences for the child. Another aspect is the birth of a father - mother narrow link. One of the critical issue of family's disfunction is the lack in the fa- ther's filiation. Due to his father's death when he was six years old. The common oedipian's fantasy of murdering his father is altered by rea- lity and culpability induced fantasmatic sideration.

Abstract FR:

Basee sur l'observation clinique de la presence paternelle aupres de son enfant psychotique hospitalise, cette recherche tente de demontrer la liaison entre la paternite et l'origine de la psychose. L'approche theorique sur le pere s'enrichit des travaux et concepts de la therapie familiale analytique, et notamment de la position narcissique paradoxale. L'etude d'une famille devoile le defaut de symbolisation objectale de l'investissement narcissique paternel qui engendre la position d'objet homosexuel du patient, double negatif, et la creation de la dyade pere - mere. Le dysfonctionnement familial s'etaye sur le defaut de filiation du pere par le fantasme oedipien du meurtre du pere, qui, lui, ne doit pas advenir.