
Former aux pratiques documentaires a l'ecole : contribution a la recherche sur les actions de formation pour les enseignants de l'ecole elementaire

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

This study aims at the creation of training instruments for teachers in order to integrate the documentary practice in the primary school, thinking about the characteristics of the action research, the first part of the thesis justifies as a result the use of a psychological model for attitudes towards time. The research is based on this model. The second part presents a first operationnal application of the model in an in-service training session : this session is considered as an open system. The systemic approach shows that the teacher's managements of pedagogical projects appear only when the teachers can link the new knowledges with the constructs previously built. The third part is dedicated to the representations of teachers and teachers trainers with respect to the documentary practice. The factor analysis of correspondances is used to determine different "familles" of subjects; they are structured as different combinations of three different pairs of factors : acceptance or denial of the pupil's autonomy, of his susceptibility to cultural practices and of the flexibility of the pedogogical environment. Thus significant discrepancies appear to exist between teachers and teachers trainers : they are the results of the different ways of thinking wich are combined in a training action. The fourth part proposes training prospects and methods of research resulting from previous

Abstract FR:

L'ouverture sur les pratiques culturelles, de la souplesse de l'environnement educatif. Des ecarts significatifs apparaissent entre formateurs et instituteurs qui montrent les logiques qui se heurtent ou s'allient dans une action de formation. La quatrieme partie propose des perspectives de formation et des methodes de recherche qui tiennent compte des etapes precedentes. La reflexion sur les relations entre modele et objet d'etude d'une part, praticiens et chercheurs