
Processus de crise : continuites et changements au cours d'une transition psychosociale

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1997



Toulouse 2


Abstract EN:

Crisis in the words of lagadec (1995) is an "upsurge, upheaval and severance", a state rather than a process that is generally extended by some form of transition. It is illustrated here through the experience of unemployment. Of the two theories which embrace unemployment, psychoanalysis places crisis at the centre of the subject, while systemics places the subject at the centre of a crisis. - in the first case, crisis is decompensatory, characterised by loss (dumesnil, 1980) and harking back to the past rusk (1971) maintains that "the loss of a job may represent the loss of a mother" grieving (freud, 1926) aids the process of transition (winicott, 1951, kaes, 1979). - in the second case, crisis is linked to events that undermine methods of regulation (morin. 1976): crisis has a change-related function, is causally independent (nizard. 1991 or weick 1996) and transforms representations during a "psychosocial transition" (parkes, 1971). A synthesis of the two theories is possible : the theory of personalisation (mairieu, baubion, tap) and the thematics of activity systems (curie, hajjar, baubion) can account for both historicity and environment. People undergoing an unemployment crisis were asked about how far their past was a factor in their emotions, representations, values and strategies. Their responses and the relationships between responses were compared, as were the intensity and meaning of changes that occured, and links within and between crisis components. The recurrence and creation of certain contents, reactions, links, etc. Emerged simultaneously. A "combined" explanatory model that goes further than either psychoanalysis or systemics should include (cf weick) the equivocality of meanings and "self", and the inter-determination of the subject and the societal, as a creative extension of the activity system. This combined model has been found to be operational in a wide range of situations.

Abstract FR:

La crise est "deferlement, dereglement et rupture" (lagadec 1995), davantage etat que processus, toujours normalement prolongee par une transition. Le chomage en est l'illustration choisie. Deux theories l'apprehendent : la psychanalyse, qui place la crise au centre du sujet, et la systemie qui place le sujet au centre de la crise. - pour la premiere, la crise est une decompensation, marquee par la perte (dumesnil 1980), rappelant le passe : pour rusk (1971) "la perte de l'emploi peut representer la perte de la mere". Le travail de deuil (freud 1926) favorise l'evolution transitionnelle (winnicott 1951, kaes 1979). - pour la seconde, la crise est liee a des evenements qui font defaillir les modes de regulation (morin 1976): la crise a une fonction evolutive, une independance causale (nizard 1991 ou weick 1996) et transforme les representations, au cours des "transitions psychosociales" (parkes 1971). Synthese possible : la theorie de la personnalisation (malrieu, baubion, tap) et la thematique du systeme des activites (curie, hajjar, baubion) peuvent integrer historicite et environnement. Nous avons interroge des personnes en crise d'emploi : leur passe intervenait-il ou non sur leurs emotions, representations, valeurs, strategies. . . ? nous comparons les reponses, les relations entre les reponses, les intensites et sens des changements, les liens au sein et entre les composantes des crises. Apparaissent simultanement la recurrence et la creation de certains contenus, reactions, liens. . . Un modele explicatif "mixte", au-dela de la psychanalyse et de la systemie, doit comprendre (avec weick) l'equivocite du sens, des "soi" et l'inter-determination du sujet et du social, en prolongement creatif du systeme des activites. Ce modele mixte est operatoire en pratique pour de nombreuses situations.