
La vie sexuelle de l'homme maghrebin. Approche psychologique des motivations inconscientes de la representation negative de la femme chez le maghrebin

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1992



Toulouse 2



Abstract EN:

The north african man has a negative image of the woman. This image is bound to two essential elements : an unconscious fear of dependence of the wife combined with an unconscious feeling of virile precariousness. This two components are rooted in the type of relationship between mother and son, and the social and familial organization in which he lives. In fact during his childhood, the north african man is faced with a number of maternal frustrations and disappointments which will leave their marks on his psyche. So he will develop a bad image of his mother which will be projected onto his own wife as maternal substitute because of a fear of castration and a feeling of guilt. The unconscious feeling of precariousness which originates in the phallic phase, has for main basis the fear of castration and for expression the anguish of the small size of the penis.

Abstract FR:

Le maghrebin a une representation negative de la femme. Cette representation est liee a deux facteurs essentiels : une peur inconsciente de dependance a la femme, associee a un sentiment inconscient de precarite virile. Ces deux elements s'originent dans le mode de relations mere-enfant, et dans l'organisation familiale et sociale dans laquelle il evolue. En effet, le maghrebin subit au cours de son enfance un certain nombre de frustrations et de deceptions maternelles qui marqueront profondement son psychisme. Ainsi, il elaborera une image maternelle mauvaise qui, a cause de la culpabilite et de la crainte de retorsion, sera projete ulterieurement sur la femme, en tant que substitut maternel. Le sentiment inconscient de precarite virile qui prend naissance au cours de la phase phallique a pour epine dorsale l'angoisse de castration et pour expression l'angoisse de la petitesse du penis.