
Etude par la technique du sondage de la comprehension et de la memorisation de paragraphe

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1986



Paris 8


Abstract EN:

A number of experiments have used the probe word method for studying the cognitive activity required in comprehending sentences. These experiments have shown a short recency effet. The author have attempted to decide between two opposing hypothese. The first of these suppose that, after being processed in working memory, information is transferred to long-term memory; it is assumed that the passage is discontinous. According to the second hypothesis, the decrease in accessibility of mearning which corresponds to the recency effet is progressive. Moreover, the outhor evaluates the capacity of working memory. In the presents experiments, four and five distances of increasing length are used between probe-word and target-word of paragraphes. The results obtained support the hypothesis that decrease in accessibility of meaning is progressive and suggest that the capacity of working memory is about forty words.

Abstract FR:

Comprendre un paragraphe consiste a construire des significations terminales(representations-occurances) composees par l'intermediaire de troncons de paragraphe dans la memoire de travail. Trois experiences ont ete realisees en utilisant la technique du sondage(experience 1 et 2) et la technique d'amorcage(experience3) afin d'etudier deux problemes:-comment s'effectue le passage de l'information traitee de la memoire de travail a la memoire a long terme? d'apres l'hypothese emise par mckoon (g) & ratcliff (r) (1980) et fletcher (c. R) (1981), le modele de base de kintsch(w) & van dijk (t. A) (1978) et miller (j. P) (1980), ce passage est discontinu. Selon le ny(j. F) (1978,1982) et le ny (j. F), carfantan (m. Y), verstiggel (j. C) (1982), ce passage s'effectue de facon progressive. Evaluer la capacite maximale de la memoire de travail. Miller (j. P) kintsch(w) (1980) pretendent que la capacite de la memoire de travail est en moyenne de 19 mots. Les resultats recueillis montrent que ce passage s'effectue de facon progressive et suggerent que la capacite de la memoire de travail est voisine de quarante mots.