Les silences sur la filiation
Paris 7Disciplines:
Abstract EN:
The field of this research is essentially situated in a clinical context. This research deals with the incidence of particular filiations in the psychic and emotional development of the child through the case study of eleven children. Those particular filiations define the atypical family configurations in which an event relating to mariage, procreation, birth and death introduces a distorsion, either by duplication or by absence, of the bond which unites a child to one or the other parent. But beyond the event itself, to which the child is confronted, it is the way the parents speak about it to the child that is decisive and determinating in order for the child to elaborate and integrate it as being part of his own history. The silences on filiation - lies, secrets, the unsaid - which the parents oppose to the questions the child has about his origins, represent another obstacle for the psychical working over which is to be carried out by the child, and for the setting up of the ocdipal structure.
Abstract FR:
Le champ de cette recherche se situe dans un contexte essentiellement clinique. Cette recherche porte sur l'incidence des filiations particulieres dans le developpement psychique et affectif de l'enfant a travers l'etude de onze observations cliniques. Par filiations particulieres nous entendons ces configurations familiales atypiques dans lesquelles un evenement relatif a l'alliance, la procreation, la naissance et la mort entraine une distorsion, par redoublement ou par absence, du lien qui unit un enfant a l'un et l'autre de ses parents. Mais au-dela de l'evenement lui-meme, auquel l'enfant se trouve confronte, c'est le discours des parents le concernant qui semble decisif et determinant pour que l'enfant puisse l'elaborer et l'integrer comme faisant partie de sa propre histoire. Les silences sur la filiation, - mensonges, secrets, non-dits, - que les parents opposent aux questions de l'en- fant sur ses origines, constituent un obstacle supplementaire pour le travail d'elaboration psychique qui est a effectuer par l'enfant, et pour la mise en place de la structure oedipienne.