
L'orientation en classe de 3e : pre-orientation et aptitudes

Defense date:

Jan. 1, 1990



Montpellier 3



Abstract EN:

The dominant role played by school marks and grades can be established; the extent of the indisputable differenciating effect of pupils' age or of their having had to repeat school years can be reiterated. But it appears particularly necessary to underline the importance of the specific additional information yieded by aptitude test results. Even if these results do not have any direct impact upon decisions concerning a given educational choice, they could not only qualify school results but above all prevent educational selection and guidance from seeming restrictive and irreversible. Instead of fucusing on educational selection and guidance in the 4th year of secondary school, which is felt to be inelucable, predetermined and bound to happen, it might be better to be more explicit about the pre-selection and early guidance processes which take place right from the last year of primary school.

Abstract FR:

On peut formuler le caractere imperieux des notes scolaires, rappeler combien l'age ou le redoublement sont indeiablement differenciateurs. Mais il semble plus particulierement necessaire de souligner l'eclairage precis qu'indiquent les resultats obtenus aux tests. S'ils n'inflechissent en rien la decision concernant telle ou telle option, ils pourraient non seulement moduler les resultats scolaires mais surtout eviter de donner une image reductrice et irreversible de l'orientation. A la place d'une orientation vecue comme inelucatble en classe de 3eme predeterminee et fatale on oserait evoquer une pre-orientation de la classe de c. M. 2